rant/vent/whatever 🤡🤡

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day 4 of the summer holidays and i only just realised that it's really unhealthy to keep texting people that i know for a fact aren't going to text me back . it just makes me feel rlly bad abt myself.

on the other hand I'm lonely and want to hang out with my friends.

like,, months before these holidays we all said we'd make the most of these holidays and hang out all the time and i really thought this year would be different from last year.

and i was really started to feel good about myself too!! like, i looked in the mirror and i was like "i'm cute!! why does no one want to be my friend!!" and then i was like ".....ohh. personality" so there's that.

idk i felt like this last year but that was only towards the end. it's day 4 so i'm guessing this year is going to be much, much worse.

ugh i just . i wish there were people who genuinely enjoyed hanging out with me and didn't find me really annoying or boring or whatever.

like I'm pretty sure most of my friends genuinely hate me and my boyfriend thinks i'm really annoying and he probably regrets asking me out lmao!!

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