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Jisoo pov.

Wonyoung is now wake up but her eyes is still puffy we ate breakfast in silence. Wonyoungie are you ok now? lisa ask, neh unnie sorry i stay here i don't know were i'm supposed to go mianhe wonyoung said, it's ok as long as your ok i said, what happen in your dorm wonyoung jennie ask, they lie to me again, is it hard to trust me, is it hard to be one of them, is it hard to gave there trust to me, she keep rambling words, shhhh i said and hug her, is it hard??

Wonyoung pov.

Is it hard.... jisoo unnie is it hard i said, no wonyoung maybe they have a reason, everybody has a reason on everything jisoo unnie said, i just nod and keep sobbing, jisoo unnie let go of me, i have to go somewhere girls jisoo unnie, where are you going unnie i ask , well i'm going to meet a friend i'll be back jisoo unnie said, and jisoo left. Let's watch a movie? who agree Rose unnie said, we all nod and we all go to living room.


Doyoung pov.

I'm done talking to Jisoo noona, pd-nim told me to call noona because that's the only place wonyoung go expect twice dorm. So where wonyoung taeyong ask, she's with jisoo noona i said, they nod. A minute later someone is calling mark, he excuse his self to answer it. We just nod.

Accept or Decline

Manager Annyeong Mark

Mark Annyeong Manager-nim why are you calling me in hour?

Manager Well pd-nim wants Nct 127 to go to the office now

Mark Why?

Manager I don't even know but faster or else he will explode

Mark Ok will be there in a minute

Manager Annyeong Mark

Mark pov.

I ended the call i quickly go to tell my members. Who was that mark? Jaehyum hyung ask, it's manager-nim i said, why did he call? taeil hyung ask, well pd-nim told him we need at the office now before he explode i said, there face was shock they stand up to go to there room to change quick. I'm ok with my outfit so i wait for them.

Taeyong pov.

When mark said that we quickly stand up. We didn't do something what could it be. All the boys gather, let's go i said, they nod. We got to the van, we are nervous what could it be.

Minute later they arrive.

Jaehyun pov.

We arrive still nervous, we are now at the elevator, what could happen this time Taeyong hyung ask, we are still silent we arrive at the door and saw are manager, well you all are here let's go inside we just nod still nervous we arrive inside we saw pd-nim inside but his face is calm and that made us a little bit calm.

So i call you all because of Wonyoung we nod, he just procceed. So since you don't have a hectic schedules i want Mark to go with Wonyoung , we all look at mark who has a shock.

Mark pov.

When i heard my name i was shock, Can i ask why me pd-nim  i said, well you are the closest to Wonyoung you'll go to San Francisco you'll be staying there for 3 weeks until shes ready to see her members, you all are dismiss. Can i ask when will be going? tomorrow morning pd-nim said i just nod. Well it will be a good 3 weeks then.

Wonyoung pov.

I was called to sm, i just go faster to pd-nim office i saw my manager with a smile, are you ok now my manager ask, i little only i said. I get inside i saw pd-nim inside with a calm face, i just sit down. Are you ok now wonyoung pd-nim ask, i'm ok now but i don't know if i can face them now i said, i understand thats why i 'll send you to San Francisco pd-nim said, i was shock did i hear that right pd-nim, yes thats true but with someone, with who pd-nim? with Mark. What Mark Lee!? i said almost shouting, lower your voice wonyoung pd-nim said, mianhe i said. When will i go to San Fransico? i ask, tomorrow morning pd-nim said, awhh ok can i go now, yes you may leave now.

We that will be a long day with idiot friend mark lee.

It's my first time updating a long ass chapter!!

Thank you for 2.4k reader i love you all!

Enjoy and sorry for grammatical error!

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