*+. Fine .+*

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Sayaka hummed to herself and turned off her phone, sitting in silence for a short while. This silence was short lived, as a few seconds later the idol found that the guitarist and pianist had crept up to her door. Without a warning, Ibuki loudly wrapped her hand against the door and yelled.

"You've been in there a very long time and we're getting very worried about you!" Ibuki yelled, Sayaka jumped back in shock. Her phone was still in her hand, and she gripped it tightly. Turning around, she quickly pushed open the door. Ibuki and Kaede stood in front of her.

"Jeez! Don't scare me like that you guys!" Sayaka puffed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking the other way. Ibuki had her hands on her hips and was staring down at the idol. Kaede was leaning against the doorframe looking tired.

"Well, nice of you guys to burst into my room like that, huh?" Sayaka said irritatedly, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Kaede scoffed and rolled her eyes. Sayaka just assumed she was tired from her piano lesson. Ibuki ran over to her and kneeled down next.

"listen, we're sorry we just assumed you guys were having a date, but honestly whenever somebody seems two people lookin' at each other like that, they just think they're just in love!" Ibuki explained, Kaede nodded from where she stood by the door, Sayaka blushed.

Was Leon really looking at her with a look that made her roommates think they were in love? Sayaka couldn't remember his expression at the moment, but his smile didn't strike her as anything special. It was just a smile that you would give any random person you just met.

"Listen Saya, I don't know what things were like back there in your hometown, but here in the city, people are always assumin' things! You've only been here for a few days, but just prepare yourself!" The guitarist told the idol, gently slapping her on the back. Sayaka smiled and nodded. This seemed to satisfy Kaede and Ibuki, and they both slowly walked out of the room.

"Night Saya..." Kaede yawned, waving rather lazily at Sayaka as she walked to her room. Ibuki walked right after her out. Sayaka didn't hesitate to shut the door after them, waiting a few minutes to make sure the two were back in their rooms. She shrugged on a light blue sweatshirt she had carelessly tossed on the floor earlier to keep her warm.

Since she had already made sure Ibuki and Kaede had gone off, Sayaka had nothing better to do. So she decided to check her phone one last time before bed. She almost immediately noticed that someone had texted her. Upon opening their contact, she found it was Leon, and he had sent her a few messages.

Hey, it's Leon, the guy you met from the park!

I gave you my contact when you weren't looking! Sorry about that!

I know you said something about getting a job as a singer right? Well one of my friends owns a small restaurant and could use somebody to entertain his customers! If you're ever interested, here's his number: 973-807-3741

Sayaka read over each text carefully, and her eyes lit up as she scammed over his last message. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for. The idol stared at the bright screen for a few moments, wondering if she should call this friend of Leon's right now, or wait until the morning came. The Idol was eager however, and decided to call this mystery person now.


Huh? Who are you?

My name is Sayaka, Sayaka Maizono! I was. Calling because your friend Leon said you were looking for a singer!

Oh! Yes! Leon told me you might be calling! I'm Chihiro Fujisaki by the way!

Oh, he knew? Well anyways, I'll be willing to sing at your restaurant for you!

Well, it's more of a cafe than a restaurant, but of course you can have the job if you're interested!


Yes! Leon told me you were very experienced in singing, so I have no doubt you'll do great!

Thank you so much Chihiro! I can try and stop by the cafe tomorrow!

Great! I'll see you some tomorrow then!

Alright, see you!

And with that, the call ended. Sayaka's heart was thumping madly, most likely from excitement. The idol quickly scampered to her closet, grabbed an outfit to wear the next morning and threw it down on the end of her bed. Smiling to herself, the idol set an alarm for the morning and climbed into bed.

*+. *+. *+. .+* .+* .+*

Sayaka woke the next morning with a bright smile on her face. She pulled off the covers and quickly put on the outfit she had chosen the night before and rushed to the kitchen to grab some food. To her surprise, Ibuki and Kaede weren't there.

But Sayaka wasn't worried about them at the moment, for she had to get to the cafe in time. Without really thinking, Sayaka grabbed a piece of bread from the counter and smothered it in jam. She ate the piece of bread quickly before running out.

Leon had texted Sayaka the location of the cafe, so Sayaka had no problem finding the place. When she arrived at her destination, she found that only a few customers were there. Chihiro seemed to be pacing back and forth appear the counter, and lit up as soon as he saw Sayaka.

"Ah! There you are!" The small boy said, his face radiant and his smile beaming. Sayaka proceeded to hug Chihiro and the two ended up talking for quite a bit about their backgrounds. Before Sayaka knew what was happening, she was up on a small platform in the corner of the cafe singing her first song she ever made.

The girl kept singing, taking big breathes ever so often. And for the first time in a long time, Sayaka felt happy to be singing.

𝑰 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑩𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 | 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐚 Where stories live. Discover now