Chapter 8

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"I don't wanna talk." Louis says as he looked down into his lap messing with his fingers. "I wanna go home. I wanna go back to my apartment and live alone where I can finally get peace and quiet and truly be myself "

Harry lifted Louis chin up so he was facing him , "I told you not to escape and what do you do?"

"Yea I escaped but can you blame me " Louis looked down again.

Harry sighed " Well hope you know it's time for your punishment.

Louis scoffs smirking slightly. "Harry I'm not a dog or some sort of animal. I'm a fucking human." Louis looked up at Harry. "There's a difference. Animals or non-human people can handle this situation that I'm in. They understand the nature of a vampire as yourself. They are use to the nature and being of a vampire and other non-human beings.
But for a human they don't understand. They wish not to understand. And they would definitely won't want to adjust to this lifestyle that you're forcing me into."

Harry looked quite taken back and dragged him into the bedroom anyway. "Who said I was forcing huh I haven't turned you yet have I.. I could I know maybe I should seen as your attitude towards me stinks." Harry said raging you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

Harry sat on the bed "Over my knee now, pants down !" He demanded

"I'm not taking my fucking pants off , he tried to run but Harry grabbed him and put him over his knee pulling down his pants slightly. "You will 15 spanks to each cheek do you hear me." Harry growled

Louis sniffled his head facing the floor awaiting the pain. "You count and thank me got it?" Harry spat

Louis sobbed feeling the first spank "Ow! He choked
Harry gripped Louis hair. "Count!" He growled. Louis groaned "t-two." After 15 spanks on each cheek he was a crying mess. "L-let me go." He cried over Harry lap.
Harry sat Louis up on his lap grabbing his chin roughly. "you need to be good or you will get more spankings do you understand? ." Harry warned as he looked straight into Louis eyes. " He nodded slightly shook. "
You will also go to my college that I go to so I can keep an eye on you."

Ugh no offence but Harry actually sucks 😜

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