Chapter 46

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Harry put Louis to bed when they got home , "H-Harry please don't leave me " he sniffled

"Never will I ever leave you , you're having my baby and I will do everything I can to take care of you both." Harry said

Louis sniffled and Harry laid next to him cuddling him gently.

After a month Louis baby belly start to show. He sat on the couch rubbing his small bump that had firm over the month. Harry was cooking dinner for them both singing softly. Scott came into the living room and sat down next to Louis. "How are are you feeling kiddo?" He asked rubbing Louis head. "I'm fine. My back is aching just a little but not bad. And very emotional at the moment." Scott chuckled and smiled at him. "You will feel a little emotional here and there." Scott says before digging into his bag and pulled out two books and set them in Louis lap. "You should read on vampire pregnancy along with neko pregnancy." Louis nods before he opening the vampire book and red over the first paragraph. "I have to drink blood for the baby?" Louis frowned at the thought of that.

Louis sighed and nodded taking the books "thanks I guess " he said do I have drink blood tho I'm not a vampire Scott my body doesn't crave blood , I'm a hybrid not a full vampire . Louis snapped feeling slightly moody. Scott got up and left him to it.

Louis continue to read when harry came into the living room and set down a plate of food for him.

Louis eyes widened and grabbed his fork and dug in "I'm so hungry today " he ate a little quick. Slowly down babe, Youl choke. "Sorry " Louis said eating a little slower.

Harry chuckled and sat down next to Louis watching him eat before he notice the books. "Who gave you those books?" Harry asked. "Scott gave them to me." Louis says with a mouthful of food. Harry grabbed the book and read threw quickly with a small frown.

"I don't need those books I'm not even a vampire  harry " he said

"I know baby he's just helping that's all he's not a bad guy." Harry said messing up Louis hair.

Louis hit harry hand away and growled. "Don't mess up my hair Harry." Harry pulled back
Harry chuckled lightly and kissed Louis cheek before turning to the tv.

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