Jealous game ? ( Chapter 13 )

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Sarah's "POV"

grape - " wake up ! We are leaving for pax in half an hour! "

I opened my eyes and instantly smiled when I saw Graser asleep.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower.

After my shower I got out of the bathroom and Graser went in.

Me - " don't come out I'm getting changed "

Graser - " what's that ? come out " he said sarcastically.

Me - " you wish "

I got changed then went downstairs and ate some breakfast.

After eating and washing my dishes I went and sat with bee and dul.

We had a small chat then I got a text from Graser telling me to come up to our room so I did.

Me - " yes , babe. "

Graser - " when do you want to tell the fans ? "

Me - " I don't know , maybe the last day of pax. Or the cube meet up."

Graser - " ok , cube meet up would be good. "

Me - " ok then that's when we will tell them. Anything else. "

Graser - " what shoes should I wear ? "

Me - " the black ones. Is that all now? "

Graser - " yea, I was just kidding around about the shoes. I love you."

Me - " I love you too " I said while exiting the room.

" Toot " "toot " the bus is here.

We all got in the bus. I sat with Graser this time.

We held hands the whole way to pax. Around half an hour.

Me - " I'm so nervous "

Graser - " why ? "

Me - " because the viewers are there. "

Graser - " How is that frightening ? "

Me - " I don't know. It feels like we are telling them today and I just don't know "

Graser - " we can tell them today if you want ? "

Me - " nah , cube meet up will be better"

Grape - " what are you guys talking about? "

Graser - " We are discussing when we are going to tell the viewers about us. "

Grape - " oooo , when ? "

Me - " cube meet up "

Hbomb - " Sarah and Graser are going to tell the viewers that they are dating at the cube meet up " Hbomb yelled so everyone on the bus knew.

Me - " did anyone vlog that ? "

Everyone - " nope "

We finally arrived at pax.

Everyone went off signing things , talking to viewers , playing games or going to the shops.

Pax day two has finished.

We all got in the bus and went to the house.

Graser and I sat together again.

We arrived at the house.

Graser and I went up to our room and laid on his bed.

He lifted me on top of him again. He liked this position.

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