Chapter 5: Useful

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"Midoriya, tell me about you." Todoroki said as he sat staring at me, like he was hiding something.

"Uh... there's not a lot to say. I'm not," I paused and sighed. "Important." I said. I looked to the ground and kept my eyes out of view.

"I think you're important." I heard him say. I immediately looked up at him and he looked just as shocked as I was. He looked away with a pink tint of embarrassment on his cheeks.

"What?" I asked making sure what he said was real. He coughed and stood up straighter in his chair.

"I'm still waiting for you to tell me something about yourself." He said quickly changing the subject. I looked to the ground, trying to think about what to say.

"Well, you saw where I work.... or where I use to work. It's been just me and my mom since my dad left when I was three months old. I don't have a lot of friends, I never have, I was friends with Bakugo, but then he changed when he heard I was quirkless. I wanted to be a hero for as long as I could remember but that didn't work out. I like food. I ramble, like right now. I study quirks and I guess I'm good at analyzing them. I over think and I-"

"Hold on," he said cutting off the ramble about my life. "You analyze quirks?" he questioned. I nodded quickly smiling as I remember my notebooks. My face dropped as I realized my most resent notebook was in the backpack I had when I was kidnapped. It's gone now!

"What's wrong?" he asked and I slouched in my chair.

"I keep notebooks of all the quirks I ever analyzed, and my last notebook was in my backpack that I had when I was ... uh... kidnapped." I looked up at him and he nodded understandingly.

"That's what it was." I got hopeful that he still had my notebook and he must have notice. "Stay." He said and left the room. I waited silently until he came back with my backpack. "Show me the notebook." He said and threw the bag at me. I smiled and pulled the tattered book out.

"Get comfortable," I said with a smile as I opened the book. I explained every page with detail and Todoroki stood over my shoulder looking into the notbook. He was listening closely and putting in thoughts as we talked and I enjoyed the time I had with him. I forgot for a minuet about how I was away from home and how I would be dead in four days. I honestly don't know how long we sat there but I was smiling the whole time.

"I often think about what kind attacks hero's could have if they teamed up together but most of them just want all the attention on themselves, it's kind of disrespectful to the profession." I turned and saw Todoroki staring right at my face.

"I think you're right." I smiled brightly and then turned to look out the window and saw it was pitch black.

"Oh man! I've been talking for a long time." I said as I remember that I wasn't supposed to be annoying. "I'm sorry I've distracted you all day!" I said with panic in my voice.

"You're not being annoying." He said and sighed like he's said this a million times.

"Sorry." I whispered again and I saw him chuckle.

"If I give you a new notebook would you fill it out?" he asked and I nodded. "What if I told you a quirk of a specific person, could you do it?" I thought for a little bit.

"I would have to see them use their quirk." I thought about it some more and I brainstormed things.

"That settles it then, you're going to tell me everything I need to know about quirks." I looked up at him shocked.

"Wait, you mean, I'm not going to die?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, that's what I mean." I smiled and jumped up from my chair excited.

"All I have to do is tell you stuff about quirks... why?" I asked suddenly confused.

"It'll make my job a lot easier." I remembered that I was talking to a villain, and now I was going to be helping him. Could I do that?

"Okay," I said was my thoughts ran wild. "I should go, it's late and I'm tired." he nodded and I left to go to my room. The idea of helping him was unsettling in my mind but on the other hand I wouldn't die. I made it to my room and I fell on to my bed with a groan.

"Midoryia!" I hear two voice say.

"Wah!" I screamed as I sat up and saw Kiri and Uraraka sitting in my dark room. "What are you guys doing in here?" I said and placed a hand over my heart as I took a deep breath.

"What did boss want?" They asked in unison. I told them about what happened today and then how he said I wasn't going to die. They both smiled and crushed me under a hug.

"Yay! I get to keep the soft boy!" Uraraka said with a shriek.

"You're on quirk duty!" Kiri said as he gave me a nuggy until they both stopped what they're doing. "Your job is weird." I shrugged but Uraraka smiled.

"I think you'll do great." I sighed.

"I don't know if I can help him with his crimes. I've always wanted to be a hero and it feels wrong to help a villain." They nodded as they finally understood my concern.

"Just leave out some small details." Kiri said and Uraraka nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to be the reason he dies!" I said mortified and I could see their confusion.

"So, you don't know how you feel about this... at all!" I nodded and Kiri sighed. "Bro, you kind of have to go with the flow then. It's either this or you die!" I nodded again and sighed.

"I'm going to bed guys, I'll see you in the morning." I had them leave and then I sat on the floor to calm down. Kirishima was right, I just have to go with the flow at the moment. I lay back on the floor and stare at the plain ceiling. Is this really how I was gong to live. This could be the rest of my life?

Hey assholes!!! I see some ghost readers!!! Get over here you sneak little human beings!!! I am going to be on vacation for a while!! I do have chapters ready for next week but if Tweety(my editor) doesn't edit we won't have and chapter next week!


Okay later my assholes...seriously give me a name to call you guys!!!!!

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