A Love Story

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I sat on Leo's lap sobbing into his broad warm chest. This was weird, if you had told me that right now I would be in the arms of such a handsome stranger I would have laughed in your face. These last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster for me. Not only did I run away from my fathers grasp, I ran straight into his most hated enemies hands.

This was a promised death wish, in my fathers eyes I had betrayed his club and that was condemned with death. I had seen it with my own eyes, how the club executed people for their disloyalty. I shuddered in realisation, I was next. I had a bounty on my head. 

'sssh' Leo cooed into my ear trying to relax me. He rocked my back and forth in his hold before sitting me up and wiping away my salty tears. 'you're too beautiful to cry little one' he said with such sincerity. It made me smile at him sadly 'and also my shirt is soaking wet' he announced rolling his eyes playfully. It caused me to laugh spontaneously, making his forest green eyes flash with something I was so unsure of.

'why are you helping me? why do you hate my father so much?' I couldn't help but ask. It was killing me that I had no idea what his motives were. He laughed nervously combing his hair with his thick fingers. 

'your father...he's a monster. He's hurt many and many of which are apart of this club. So I've got no choice but to take him out.' I opened my mouth to make him further explain but his rough finger pushed my lips to a close. 'come on. we have to go back I've got a coupl'ah things to do' he placed me on my feet before signalling for me to exit the greenhouse 


I was now sat in the garden with Jess talking about random things. Jess loved gardening, she showed me around all the nice things she had planted in the humongous garden. 'And this is my mint patch! around winter time all the men start getting colds and fevers so the mint helps with home made remedies' she said with much pride

As we strolled around the garden, we spoke like two long lost friends. 'Jess how did you meet Scissor?' I asked intrigued. Her eyes sparkled with love and joy 'oh, its such a long story sit down!' she urged me. Pulling me towards two garden chairs around a small table. 

'Scissor and I met here at the club. I was a licensed doctor and one day he was shot. My uncle 'Revs' called me begging for my help one night so I drove over here wondering what the hell he wanted at 3am in the morning.' She smiled with such love and adoration as she looked over all the growth in the garden 

'I was led down to the basement and there he was.. Scissor. He was shot in the leg, twice. God, he was a sight. He was all shaken up and annoyed that he was shot but I swear to the Gods above he looked the sexiest I had ever seen him. Well long story short I fixed him up and had to look after him for a while' she laughed at her story

'we had an instant bond and started secretly seeing each other but when my uncle found out he absolutely lost it. He threatened to shoot Scissor in the ass and nearly beat the shit out of him. Yet here we are now, peacefully co-existing' she chuckled looking up into the clear sky laughing at the crazy love story

'wow thats crazy' I laughed. This club was honestly full of so many surprises 


I was upstairs in my room changing my shirt, as Clara's tears had soaked the previous one. I stood in my room topless looking for something to wear when I heard someone knock at the door. 'Prez?' the person called out and I instantly understood it to be Armz

He entered and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. I was so fucking surprised he could fit in it but he made it work. 'Ive got news on the girl. Got Keys to do a background check on her' Only then I realised he had a yellow file in his hand, which he tossed on the bed just in front of me

I halted, still silent. I lowered myself on the edge of the bed and opened the manilla folder. There was a picture of her inside. 

Name: Clara Duru Arslan 

Birth Date: 6/7/1998

Occupation: Student at SilverHeart Academy

Location: San Francisco

Interests: Street dancing (currently captain of her dance crew at Silverheart Academy), Art, reading. 

The information went on for days, from where she last lived to way back to the details of her family. I had to give it to him Keys was the smartest fucker I ever knew. Intrigued, I flipped from page to page absorbing the information for any resources that we could be victims of a Volkov attack. You could never be too careful

'I read through the information boss and I even asked a few sources. She's an innocent, she just got snapped up by Volkov unfortunately' he sighed in defeat. This little girl, this young lady had affected all of us in the matter of days. We didn't know her, where she came from or who she truly was deep inside yet we were all drawn to the innocent aura she brought with her when she entered that club door.

I saw that her mother was dead, dying from cancer. 'So thats how you ended up with that prick sweetheart...' I muttered to myself but I am sure Armz caught my words. She was only 17 when her mother died so the state took her to her fathers and dumped her there. Surely they would have realised that dropping a kid like her at a dangerous biker club was the worst thing they could ever do.

'Armz?' I asked confused 'yes prez' he answered. We both stared at each other sharing unspoken words. 'don't you think its weird that the state dropped her off to her father knowing he was a criminal and shit?' I was puzzled as to how someone of such power could be so stupid to hand her over on a fucking silver plate to her bitch of a father. 

'I know Prez, its fucking weird' Armz shook his loose blonde hair trying to shake out an answer to the madness. 'Get Keys to find out the one who signed off her father as suitable and fucking bring him here' I commanded. He stood up from the chair 'yes Prez' and just like that he walked out swiftly

I was so confused as to what the fuck was going on. How could a social worker take a kid to somewhere well.. not sociably accepted? It made no fucking sense and it just didn't add the fuck up. 

Running my hand through my black hair I ran downstairs to get a drink. I was so confused. I didn't understand what was going on, how I felt. It was fucking annoying and before I started screaming at someone for no reason it made sense for me to relax and what better way to relax than by having a beer. 

I sat at the bar, topless and slightly sweating. Jess' uncle Revs was serving like usual but he left me to my thoughts which I appreciated very much. I was in my own little world until I felt a hand of clouds tap my shoulder. Turning around in my seat I frowned and looked down to see the small vulnerable girl before me 

She swallowed hard and examined my built stomach in appreciation. 'I uh' she started before ruggedly scratching her head. My smirk built with her nervousness, it was building my already ridiculously high ego and I fucking enjoyed it 

'What is it sweets?' I asked standing up to my full height. God I fucking hate myself, I couldn't help but chuckle deeply startling her from her dazed state. She cared her throat and mustered up some courage from deep within her. 'I was just wondering where you was that was all. Im kind of bored' 

Laughing to myself I pulled her closer from the waist. 'Don't worry sweets i'll make your day' I grinned tensing my abs. She gasped at the sensation making me chuckle more.

What a sweet little thing



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