A lost cause

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Armz was dragged out of the room, his deafening screams and shouts didn't lessen the tension. The monster was in front of me, his horrible smile shining without falter. My heart was racing uncontrollably, I was at his mercy once again. 'You won't win this time' I muttered helplessly but the wide smile he bore told me he already had. 'I have already won sweetheart and do you want to know the best thing about it?' He paused, looking at me, searching my soul. 'You helped me' he whispered in my ear. I thrashed at the familiar feeling of his hot breath on my skin yet it felt too late.

I had awoken in the same dark room that I was in before but this time I had been moved closer to the wall. My ass ached from the wooden chair and my wrists were sore from the tight restraints. I scanned the room, Armz was still gone. A small sigh of defeat left my lips but yet it was released too soon... 'finally, you are awake' I recognised Jaggers voice come from the distance and it was only then that I saw his tall frame lingering in the darkness.

'You must be starving' he announced as he came closer, a bowl in his hand. What did he want? he was never nice to me, this was strange. 'Don't come any closer!' I ordered mercilessly but to no avail he took another step, followed by another until his nose was touching mine. 'What was that sweetheart?' He smirked, now pecking my lips mocking my honour. My head turned in disgust and my stomach bubbled with disgruntlement. 'How dare you...' I snared angrily yet my voice was calm.

'I've missed you my love' he pouted, those brown eyes widening with a false facade of love. Yet I saw through those soulless windows, behind them they were empty, the only thing that lurked there was scornfulness. 'You make me sick !' I spat at him, my saliva landing on his cheek. His eyes instantly turned to rage, and those puppy dog eyes that were just staring at me where replaced with anger and resentment. The change was so abrupt I hardly saw it happen, but yet I was reminded of all the times I had to experience the rapid change of his bloody brown eyes

'don't you ever disrespect me like that again ! You dirty bitch! You've forgotten your place! Time to teach you a lesson!' He roared. He pulled my leg restraints off and pushed me towards the wall where he retied them with rope.

My face was on the dirty cement wall, and my back was too him. I hated how he had the power over me again. His rough hands came to my leggings, which were yanked down my now bare legs. 'Please' I whimpered in despair, I felt defiled and dirty again. I didn't want to feel like this ever again. 'Shut up' the monster ordered as he grabbed my ass in his large hands, spreading my cheeks apart. Tears of pain trickled down my sore skin as he fondled with me.

'God I've missed this baby' he moaned in my ear as he pushed my ass into his clothed hard manhood. His erection felt like acid on my pure skin, making me shiver in fright. 'But you need to be punished' he growled in pleasure as he stepped away from me. My neck tried to turn to the side more, to see what he was doing but my restrains prevented me. 'I've picked up some little fetishes since you've been gone my love' he declared

The only thing that could be heard in the room with my heavy pants of fright. What will he do with me? where has he gone? why is he doing this to me? My body shook in fright, anticipating the worst. I called out his name but I was met with a deafening silence. 'Jagger please!'  I sobbed my body thrashed wildly begging for release, yet again I was met with silence

My grief stricken body finally stopped wriggling, but as soon as I rested the beast appeared marking my body with the blow of his strong, rough hands. My bare bottom tensed in pain, as I pulled against the restraints, tears rolling down my face. My scream was so loud I was sure that anyone could've heard it from miles away, the echo of my pain prevalent, obvious, so clear, unmissable

My skin was red with pain, as he carried on abusing my body with his rough calloused is hands. 'Please! Please! I beg you please!' I carried on crying and he carried on slapping, my begging only enticed him. It fed his dark sadistic fantasy as he bullied my fragile frame until I slumped against the wall in agony. ' you look even prettier with your skin is so red and plump' he snickered to himself as he admired his masterpiece.

My chest was rising and falling the pain of my buttocks aching against the cold air of the room. Hopeless sad tears strolled down my face as I realised the reality of the situation. I was stuck here, back to square one, alone yet again. In that moment a heart wrenching sob left my mouth I was tired of being strong, it was all I had ever been. For once I wanted to break down, I wished for life to be as it was before

When it was just me and my mother, the two of us in the calm city of San Francisco. Where I would have been a normal student at university, probably fallen for the boy next door type and done my mother proud. Yet fate had decided that I would face these trials called life. My happiness was usurped by bikers, my strength, my dignity, my life...

I felt so numb and cold, the slaps done by Jagger just a distant reminder that I welcomed. I felt outside of myself as if I was watching myself fizzle inside. My soul was evaporating and the only thing left was my shell. I was no longer myself..


First of all I want to say a huge apology for my month long hiatus. Wattpad has always been a home to me, it was somewhere I could write freely and not be judged. Yet I felt a disconnection from writing, and other writers can probably understand. We have writers block, personal issues etc and this was one of those moments. I am slowly coming back and the immense amount of love I'm betting despite my disappearance has been uplifting! I will finish this story! It is the best one I have ever written, just please bare with me ! I know this chapter is slightly short but the next will be longer and it will be here very soon

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