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Armz and I were in the car, racing to Amelia's house. Her call worried me and as her friend it was my duty to make sure she was ok, even if it meant leaving my over protective boyfriend in a hump. The car ride was quiet, the air mostly filled with nerves and anticipation as to what was so wrong for Amelia to have to call me in such a manner. 'Stop stressing ok? everything will be fine' said Armz. He had looked away from the road to give me a reassuring smile before turning back and driving ahead.

'I hope it is...' I mumbled, my stomach was unsettled and anxious. Something just didnt seem right. I decided to pull out my phone and send a text to Leo, I knew he was upset at me leaving but at the same time Amelia was my family. She hardly ever sounded so upset, so for her to call for my help shook my spirit into a place I couldnt describe. I loved Leo, I respected him more than I had ever respected any other man but for once I needed to be there for my friend. I hadnt been there for her for years and now was my chance

'we are here' he announced. We pulled up outside a lovely medium sized house. The garden had beautiful white roses but when I saw some were trampled on, a frown fell on my face. 'Armz, I don't know...' my instincts were going off like an alarm, they told me to get back in the car and drive far away. 'It's fine Clara, I'm here with you' we both stepped out of the car and walked towards the door in which we knocked on. Yet Amelia hadn't answered 'Aims?' I called out as I knocked the door once again but this time it creaked open.

Stepping inside I looked down the hallway, the kitchen door was open wide. The inside of the home was beautiful, lovely pictures of us were in the blue painted walls and a stylish mirror was also hung. 'You go in the living room I'll go in the kitchen' I said to Armz and he agreed going into the living room to look for Amelia. I walked towards the kitchen cautiously. As I started to walk round the corner I saw her blonde hair 'God Amelia you scared-' but my sentence was interrupted by a rude awakening.

'Hey there baby' Said Jagger. I screamed for Armz who came running in behind me. 'Clara!' He shouted but he was stopped by a huge man, similar to his build pushing a needle into his neck. Armz swung his fists recklessly in attempt to fight them off but he was soon dropping to the floor in unconsciousness. Tears cascaded down my face, my friend was sat unconscious in her kitchen chair and my other lying on the floor. 'What do you want!' I yelled with a new found courage. One that I hadn't dared used before in his captivity. 'Well well Well, it seems kitten has grown her claws' teased Jagger as he started to walk closer to me.

I rushed over to the draws pulling them open, searching for a knife to protect myself. A long thick knife was in my hand now, and I held it high and strong. 'I swear to God I'll kill you' I shouted in rage, tears still falling uncontrollably. 'No you wont' he announced with his sickening smug smile. 'Because if you even so much as touch a hair on my head well I'll let them have some fun with her' he nodded towards the two tall men behind me. I recognised them both from my days in hell, one grabbed my wrist taking the knife from my hand. 'You won't get away with this!' I shouted but it was already too late. Jagger walked towards me, his hand stroking my face with adoration. 'Go to sleep princess, we are going home' a needle invaded my neck sending me into a deep unwanted slumber.

A damp smell fell upon my nose, awakening it. My body hummed with a dull pain, where was I? I tried to shift around but my limbs felt an unnecessary weight of pain upon them, my wrists were heavy and behind my back and my feet to a post. What was this? I allowed my eyes to open but they were only greeted by darkness. My eyes widened, adjusting to the darkness of the room I was in until I heard a groan from ahead of me.

'h-hello?' I called out unsure 'Clara?' came Armz gravelly voice, I squinted my eyes trying to search from him but I only saw he outline of his body. 'We need to get out of here' he mumbled as he started to tug on his restraints. That was when I realised everything that had happened. Amelia, her house, they had knocked us all out. We were in my fathers solitude, far away from Leo.

'No' I croaked out my voice broken and sad 'No!' I screamed in emotional pain. I couldn't be here again, I couldn't live this life of misery again. 'Calm down my love' came his chilling dark voice, the same voice that forced me to do so many regretful things I never wanted to do. He wore his usual brown jacket and blue jeans. His white shirt underneath fitted his toned stomach and his usual black boots fitted him perfectly. 'You are home now' he said stroking my away my tears.

My head thrashed in his hold, begin to be released. 'Don't you dare fucking deny me' he seethed at my blatant negligence. His eyes held the same flames the used to 'I should make you get on your knees right now for what you fuckin' did!' he yelled in my face. My eyes closed, flinching at the painful volume of his yell. His rough hands found my soft locks tugging them, causing me to come closer to his face. 'You're lucky I actually give a shit about you' he mumbled, sniffing my skin as if it was a line of heroin.

'Get off of me!' I ordered him, hardly scared of his threats but the hard slap he gave me reprimanded me. 'Don't make me teach you a lesson! You bitch!' He shouted in my face. 'Once we get out of here, you're fucking dead you dick!' Growled Armz and he was right. I would end this part of my life for good, even if it ended me in the process.

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