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'Clara!' came a manly voice, one that only belonged to Salvatore Santiago. A wide smile spread over my face as I raced over to him, practically jumping in his arms. His warm body heat wrapped around me as I snuggled further into his jumper. It reminded me of old times, when Amelia and I would steal them for our own comfort 'you guys came' I cooed in happiness, now going to hug Amelia. She held a bottle of wine in her hand, one that I recognised from her wild school days of partying.

'Yes! and we come bearing gifts!' the mischievous smile on her lips told me I knew what she was planning, my two friends hadn't changed one bit. 'Go sit over there, i'll be over in a second' I pointed them towards a table which I saved for us and went inside through the double doors. There was one person I hadn't seen yet and it was slowly eating me from the inside, I wondered inside and saw him sat at the far side of the bar alone

'hey' I greeted him slowly, unsure of the mood he was in. He was drinking a sprite whilst staring at the wall aimlessly, he seemed so distant. 'Hey' he mumbled back half heartedly making me frown. 'Leo? What is bothering you?' I asked, now sitting at the stall beside him. He turned to face me, his knees brushing against my bare ones. His blue jeans and normal white t-shirt fit perfectly, showing off his built physique whilst still being modest.

'I loathe family day' he grumbled angrily causing my frown to deepen further. 'Loathe? why?' I asked utterly confused, this was a day of celebration, to be thankful for what we had. 'It reminds me of how lonely I really am, I have no kids, no legacy. Sure, I have my brothers but at the end of the day they all go home and take off their badge. Before being a brother they are a husband or father' he said honestly 'I am truly alone' he said exasperatedly

My heart ached for him, he felt as if he didnt belong join his own club, he felt excluded from the lives that some of the other bikers lived. Taking his hand in mine I leaned in towards him 'Leonardo' I said seriously, mostly in shock at what he had told me. 'You are not alone, you have a family' I reminded him bringing my hands up to his face. His 5 o clock shadow slightly rubbing against my hands.

'I am your family' I said courageously, my eyes fierce and determined. 'So is every single person in this clubhouse right now. Look outside' I ordered him and he turned to look behind me his eyes focusing on the life beyond the double doors. 'What do you see?' I asked his thick brows furrowed 'I see a load of people' he relied bluntly, his eyes almost tired

'Well, I see your legacy-You show everyone here a better life with everything you do. You make life better for them, for their wives, for their kids. We are your family, never forget it' I stated proudly, my eyes now feeling droopy from the incoming tears. His eyes looked into mine, his thick thumb dragging across my cheek. 'Cosa ho fatto per meritarti?' He mumbled in Italian before connecting our lips

Our kids was slow and binding, unlike its usually hungry and fast pace. His tongue made love to mine, sweeping every corner of my sinful mouth. His hand gripped my thigh, pulling me out of my stool to stand in front of him, a shallow moan left my mouth allowing our kiss to become erotic before he pulled away with a smile. 'Come on then, let's go to our family'

The day had been amazing, Salv, Amelia and I had been drinking and enjoying each other's company whilst catching up on everything I had missed. The three musketeers were back together and I felt ecstatic about it. Not only that but Tipper had decided on wooing Amelia, his good behaviour was appreciated and it was clear he was entranced by my friends undeniable beauty. The wine she had brought with her was long gone and the food we had taken from the plates earlier devoured.

Afternoon turned to evening as we all relaxed under the pale blue summer sky. 'Brothers' Said Scissor, who had Jess on his arm. All eyes turned towards him, wondering why he had summoned everyone. 'I just want to thank everyone for coming and enjoying this day with us it has been absolutely splendid' he started, a round of aye's from the men were sounded

'I definitely want to thank my love Jessica and little sister Clara for organising the whole thing perfectly' he kissed Jess and raised his beer in the air, saluting me. A smile spread across my face as I nodded at him in appreciation. 'Clara can you come over here?' He asked, now everyone's eyes were on me, for a reason I didn't know why. Timidly, I got up from my seat and walked toward in curiously.

'Clara has been apart of our family for a while now, and for the time she's been here she has shaped our lives. She has a kindred spirit, one that not many of us get to experience everyday. For that, we want to patch Clara in, as a member of our family' he announced looking down at me in approval. My heart was racing uncontrollably, the men were giving me the highest honour there was. To be patched in you had to prove your worth, and it usually entailed going through hard trails for a long period of time.

My eyes were glassy but I pushed down the tears of joy as I again looked up at Scissor who was waiting for me to speak. 'I-I would be honoured' I stated proudly, hugging him tightly in response. The members of the club stood up forming a large circle around me, Leo now stood in front of me a jacket in his hand. 'As a new member of our club, you have to swear an oath of trust and loyalty to this club. Are you willing to take this responsibility on? Even to the death?' He asked, his eyes narrowing checking for any ounce of uncertainty.

'I am' I responded mightily, not cowering in the moment.
'Do you Clara Duru Aslan Volkov swear that you will be loyal to the Hell Boys Bikers Club until death should you part? Do you swear that you will uphold loyalty and respect for the badge and forever strive to protect this clubs legacy?'

'I do' I answered giddily with a wide proud smile, one that he returned.

'Then I President Rager, the fifth president of this club announce you a member of the Hell Boys Bikers Club'

He walked towards me with pride and straightened out the jacket in his hand. I recognised it to be the one I had tried on when I had seen Amelia that day in the city. The club badge sown beautifully on the back in a feminine pink thread instead of its traditional blue. He slipped the jacket on to my arms and allowed me to wear it, before standing back. 'Brothers! Our newest member!' He shouted and they all cheered loudly, coming to hug and kiss me.

This sense of belonging was the best, I had my family all in one place. My new and old, this was something I knew I deserved and I definitely did not want to lose it.

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