Bouncy Castles

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'Jess! Have you put the drinks in the cooler?' I shouted over my shoulder as I placed cups on numerous tables. It was family day, and it was a much welcomed distraction. I busier myself, almost stressed about the set up of the yard. A humungous bouncy castle had already been placed in the back yard and many tables and benches placed around for biker families to sit and enjoy.

Turning back inside, I went towards there speaker and plugged in the iPad, allowing family friendly tunes to play loudly through the system. Everything was in place and ready for the swarm of bikers who would be turning up in about 20 minutes with their hungry and wild kids. Smiling to myself, I walked up the stairs, a satisfied sigh leaving my dry lips.

Entering my room, I made a bee line straight to the bathroom, quickly jumping in the shower. The warm water was now running from the shower head, and I happily jumped underneath it, now completely naked. My usual apple shower gel and shampoo was at my aid, and I lathered myself in it from head to feet before rinsing. 

I climbed out and pulled the red towel around my body and a matching red one around my thick wet hair. The condensation on the mirrors was wiped away from the crack of the small window whilst the sweet hums of music from downstairs wafted up through the window. I could already hear the faint squeals of excited children, allowing my heart to soar. 

Opening the bathroom cabinet I pulled out a few beauty essentials and my toothbrush and got to work instantly. My hair was still dripping wet under the now soaked sad red towel, in which I discarded, now pulling out a hardly used hair dryer Leo had bought me. The warm hair brushed through my wild hair, whilst I added in heat protection

These few moments of tranquility were precious to me, in my old life I never was able to experience this. The satisfaction of looking how I wanted, spending time on myself was almost foreign to me and this was something I greeted gracefully. After drying my hair I brushed it out and layered oil on it, allowing it to flatten slightly from its usual thick spiralled curls. 

Make up was next, in which I applied lightly, brushing my hair one last time, tucking it behind my ears I walked out of the bathroom and started to dress. The warm weather today had come jus in time for the sensational day I had planned. Throwing on some black shorts and white squared crop top, with matching black and white converse I stared in the mirror in appreciation.

Before leaving, I put on a red lipstick, the bright colour that would capture any attention and with that I descended the stairs. 

There was already many people here, children played in the yard whilst their parents and guardians watched in the picnic benches from afar whilst enjoying their company from their fellow bikers. A wild smile appeared on my smile in happiness at the love that surrounded me. I never knew this type of love existed in biker clubs, it seemed mythical to me, yet I was here experiencing it first hand. 

'its great isn't it?' came Jess' usually chirpy voice. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, at all the small children running around with equally bright smiles. A feeling of pride washed over me, the barbecue was being done by Armz who waved me over towards him. 'Hey' he said smiling at me as he flipped some burgers 'Hey' I smiled back, admiring the freakishly large man flip numerous burgers with a spatula. 

'what you and Jess have done... Its amazing, I'm proud to call you family' he said proudly, now facing me completely, his eyes off of the sizzling burgers. I hugged him deeply, snuggling onto the his broad chest. His once rough arms were now a safe haven, the same ones he had used to drag me into this clubhouse, it was funny now how I had openly chosen to be within them.

The sizzle and pop off the burgers broke our hug, causing him to flip them again and place them on the plates to allow the legion of children to devour. 'Uncle Armmyyy' came a small cute voice, we both looked down at the small child. She wore a pink dress with a slightly oversized leather jacket with the clubs badge on it. Her brown hair was left down and a bright bow was clipped at the side 'what is it love?' he asked crouching down to look at the beautiful child 

'Dommy and Shawn were being mean to me' she mumbled, snuggling into his strong arms. It was still shocking to me how a man so big could love something so small. 'Don't worry about them sweetheart, i'll set them straight ok?' he raised his brow at her and she nodded her hear slowly 'o-ok' she mumbled back before kissing him on the cheek.

'And can I have a burger please?' she asked, shooting him the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. She was adorable, and God did she know it. He rolled his eyes and gave her a burger from the plate 'ok but don't tell anyone' he whispered loudly causing her to laugh and skip away. 'who was that?' I asked, watching the little angel skip away. 'It was Liquors granddaughter, she lives with him' I nodded my head in response 

Armz was everything he was expected not to be. His tall and scary demeanour meant that people would run from him but deep down lay something unusual. A caring and soft man, one that only used seriousness when the circumstances called for it. The man had a heart as big as the world, but it was hidden under layers of rippling muscles, ones that stopped many from approaching. He was my saviour and captor.

He brought me here and without him I wouldn't have seen another day of light, I smiled at the memory of him dragging me back here and if I had know what I knew now, I wouldn't have fought him at all. 



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