The Black Stallion

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Ava led the way to Alaska's stall, the Arabian poking her head out and nuzzling her owner.  She sniffed curiously at the crutches, but finally decided they were safe, and turned to greet Hayden. 

"So, what exactly do you want me to do?" he asked, patting the horse's neck. 

"Just groom her and walk her out to the pasture," Ava replied simply, handing him a container full of supplies.  "Think you can manage?"

He took it from her wordlessly and slid the stall door open, stepping in.  He set the bucket down on the shavings and allowed the horse to sniff him again, rubbing her down with his hands before clipping her halter to the cross ties.  Alaska was so much nicer than Ava.

"Why do you do that?" Ava asked, seating herself next to the open door to watch.

"Do what?"

"Rub her down.  She gets plenty of attention."

" just helps her warm up to me.  Trust me more before I start running brushes all over her.  She'll be calmer now that she knows she can trust me."

Ava shrugged, obviously not seeing his reasoning.  It was true, Alaska would likely not care if he started brushing her right away, but he never took chances.  Especially not with Ava's horse. 

He quickly finished brushing her coat, and tried to comb her mane and tail, but Ava stopped him, saying that he only needed to pick her hooves.  Alaska didn't hesitate to lift her foot for him, and he was done in no time.  Clipping a lead rope to her halter, he undid the cross ties and lead her out of her stall, her hooves clopping on the cement floor. 

Alaska had such a graceful stride.  Hayden had been told of her championship jumping abilities (or rather Ava's) but he wouldn't be surprised if the horse would make an excellent Dressage competitor as well.  Her long legs and high-held head would be sure to catch any judge's eye.

"Take her to the pasture on the left," Ava called after him.

He took Alaska to the gate, leading her all the way through before releasing her.  She pranced across the field to the other horses, her head and tail high.  Yes, she would make a marvelous Dressage horse.

He walked slowly back to the barn, Ava standing in the doorway waiting for him. 

"Thanks," she smiled(sort of), catching him off guard again.  "I really didn't want the hands to do it.  She just doesn't like them."

He nodded thoughtfully, debating whether to tell her about Alaska's Dressage qualities.  Ava probably wouldn't care what he thought.  He was interrupted by a sudden banging, accompanied by squealing and whinnying. 

"What was that?" He asked, stopping and glancing around the barn. 

"Oh, that's just the crazy rescue horse.  He's insane.  I don't know why we even still have him; I haven't even bothered to give him a name." She gestured to the stall at the far end of the hall.

Curious, Hayden approached it, gazing in awe at the horse inside.  The stallion was jet black, his eyes intelligent, but wild.  The horse whinnied and kicked the metal side of his stall again, the loud bang seeming to upset him further. 

"Like I said, he's nuts," Ava muttered, coming up beside him.

"He's magnificent." Hayden stared at the gorgeous animal, studying the muscles rippling through the horse's flank.  He pawed at the ground, snorting and eyeing the two humans warily.  He tossed his head, his overgrown black mane flopping side to side.  His left hind foot was cocked and his ears were back.  He was ready to buck.

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