For Once

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Over the next few days, Hayden was shocked to find that Ava actually meant what she said about helping him.  He had nervously given her a list of items, and a few hours later, she'd handed him six bags of supplies and directed him to her father's workshop. 

As he worked on his design, Hayden quickly realized that the mechanism would be much more intricate than he'd envisioned.  The straps to hold the brace in place could not just cross over the hindquarters, it must attach to something else.  The easiest thing he could think of would be a saddle, so he asked Ava for an old one that he could redo. 

She purchased a $4600 Amerigo Vega Monoflap saddle without hesitation, claiming that is was really quite cheap.  Hayden was tempted not to use it and buy himself a less expensive one, but didn't want to upset her.

But while he was working on the brace, he slowly began to earn the Friesian's trust.  At some point, he started to call the horse "Zorro," and didn't even realize he'd done so until Ava overheard and got a laugh out of it.  Zorro gradually allowed Hayden to pet and groom him, as long as there was peppermint involved. 

It was an exciting day when Zorro allowed him to put a halter over his head and eventually grew accustomed to it.  School had started back up, but Hayden hardly even paid attention.  He was the first one out the door when the bell rang, and ran to Ava's class to help her with her books.  He'd found he could leave faster when he did so.

But Hayden and Zorro were not the only blossoming friendship.  Ava slowly spent more and more time in the barn with the two, normally on her phone as she talked to them.  Hayden suddenly found that he liked her company, even if she did talk about modeling and fashion a little more than he enjoyed. 

A month passed, and the brace in the workshop was nearly finished.  Zorro had made such incredible progress that he now accepted peppermint from Ava, though he wouldn't let her touch him.  Hayden could walk him short distances on a lead rope, and put saddles and straps and blankets on him to get him used to odd objects touching his body.

The day finally came to try the brace, and Hayden gently placed the contraption on the horse, progressing only when the horse seemed comfortable.  He left a few straps undone, leaving the brace unengaged as the three walked/ hobbled to the lunging corral. 

Ava left her crutches at the gate and headed to the center of the ring, lunge-line in hand.  She walked without her crutches more than she should, but insisted it didn't hurt.    

Hayden connected the last few straps, talking quietly to the horse.  Zorro listened to his voice, just like he always did, he head hanging low and relaxed. 

"We're ready," he called to Ava.  It was the moment of truth.  Either the brace worked, or it didn't, and he'd wasted an entire month. 

Ava nodded and clucked to Zorro, encouraging him to move forward.  Hayden applied some pressure to the lead rope, and the horse's nostrils flared as he pulled back.  "Come on, bud," Hayden encouraged.  "Just a couple steps."

Zorro snorted and tossed his head, refusing to budge.  Ava clucked again, tapping the whip on the ground next to his rear hooves.  "Walk on, Zorro."

Zorro didn't want to go anywhere, and wouldn't if he was being forced to.  Hayden slowly eased off the lead rope and pulled a peppermint out of his pocket, unwrapping it tantalizingly.  The horse was obviously interested. 

"Yeah, you want it, don't you?" Hayden chuckled, holding it just out of Zorro' reach.  "Come on, buddy.  Come get it."

Ava clucked, touching the top of his rear lightly with the end of the whip.  "Walk on."

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