A Girl's Best Friend

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Ava sat in the passenger's seat of her mother's car almost to giddy to think straight.  After two long, horrible, miserable months she was finally free of her dreaded crutches.  She rested her feet on top of the dashboard, just to embrace the fact that her leg was fully healed. 

"Now, remember Ava," her mother was saying as she put on her turn signal.  "Just because you don't need the crutches anymore does not mean you can do everything you want to.  You can't ride any faster than a trot, and absolutely no jumping."

"I know, mom," Ava almost rolled her eyes even though the comment didn't really bother her.  She was too happy.

"And no flips or handsprings either," her mother went on.  "Your leg can't take the pressure yet."

"Okay, I'll stick to walk-overs and cartwheels," she replied, growing slightly exasperated.  She couldn't really be mad, though.  Everything was just so amazing at the present.  She could go home and do whatever she wanted without those dang crutches.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out curiously.  The small green "Messages" icon in the bottom showed a red circle and a "1," so she tapped on it.  She was slightly surprised to find that it was from Madeline.

"Hi, Ava," she read silently, adjusting in her seat.  "I know we don't talk much, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened this morning.  I hope you feel better!"

Ava couldn't help but smile.  Madeline had been so kind to her, and even now she was following up to make sure she was okay.  At lunch, when everyone was asking where Ava had gone, Maddie hadn't said a word about the fact that she'd been a miserable sobbing mess to avoid embarrassment for her. 

Ava felt awful as she thought of the cruel things she'd said about Madeline in the past.  Everyone knew Maddie was fairly shy, and after Ava had called her a wallflower, the poor girl had been teased relentlessly.  Ava had made fun of her for other various things, and even stuffed her locker full of toilet paper as a joke, but Maddie still wanted to make sure she was okay.

It felt good, and yet it felt awful.  Ava wished she would just take everything back, so the least she could do was answer Madeline and thank her again.  She did so, mentioning that the crutches were gone for good.

Madeline answered back quickly, trying to apologize for dropping Ava in the first place.

"It's Snotface's fault," Ava typed back.  "After I plan my revenge, we'll just forget the whole thing."

"Revenge?" Came the swift response.

"Oh yeah.  I really want to embarrass him in front of his team or something." Ava paused before adding: "U should come over and help me plan it sometime."

She turned to her mother.  "Mom?  Can I have a friend over tonight?"

Her mother thought for a minute.  "Well, if Hayden is still sick I wouldn't suggest it—your friend might get sick.  But I'm okay with it."

Ava really did roll her eyes, remembering Hayden's illness.  Of course he would inconvenience her...again.  "Is he better yet?"

"I doubt it, sweetheart; it was some kind of flu virus."

Great...Ava mentally drawled.  I'll probably get it too.  Yay.  She was horrified to discover that his sarcasm was starting to wear off on her.  Her phoned buzzed again.

"Sounds fun, lol!  When are you free?" Madeline had texted.

"I'm free today, but Hayden is sick so u probably shouldn't come over." Ava hit send with a huff.

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