Stormy Weather

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Hayden and Ava sat at the table silently eating dinner. Hayden was afraid to mention the events of the afternoon for fear of what Ava would do if her mother found out, but he didn't know she was just as worried as to what would happen to her. Gail would not be pleased to know that they had foolishly tried to ride an untrained horse.

Hayden didn't want to say much anyway, as his head was pounding. He didn't have any pain medicine with him because he'd tried to overdose on it a few years before, and Gail would be very reluctant to give him any. He truly only wanted enough to cure his headache.

Ava was clearly not that hungry, and kept twirling her spaghetti around her fork.

"My, the two of you are certainly not the most talkative bunch tonight," Gail said suddenly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," they answered unanimously, sharing a quick glance to warn the other not to mention anything about Zorro.

"I understand this is your last week of school before Thanksgiving break," Gail went on, trying to get them to talk.

"Yep," Ava muttered, pushing her meatballs around.

"Do you have any homework due in the morning?"

"No," Hayden answered for both of them. They had already discussed the topic earlier.

"How has your leg been today, Ava?"

"Fine." She stared at her plate.

Gail crossed her arms. "Alright. There is obviously something wrong, because I normally can't get a word in with how much you two talk. What is going on?"

"Nothing," Ava replied casually, putting on a peppier persona. "Just tired, that's all."

"Yeah, I'm ready for that break," Hayden agreed. He was tired too. Exhausted, actually. His bones were aching, his joints throbbed, and he could feel his heartbeat in the bridge of his nose. He wanted nothing more than to collapse in bed after a hot shower. But he could do neither until he finished the pile of homework he had stacked on his desk.

Thunder rolled outside, indicating an approaching storm. Hades growled softy from his place in the corner, and Nova crawled under the table, though she was more than likely just looking for scraps. A server came out with a tray of cheesecake, and Ava eagerly took a piece. Gail accepted one as well, but in a much more sophisticated fashion.

The server walked over to Hayden, holding out the tray. Hayden knew enough about etiquette to understand that he should take it just to be polite, but he really didn't want it or any other dessert at the present. "No, thank you," he said softly, hoping that no one would take it personally. "I'm not very hungry."

Ava shot him a strange look, knowing he would rarely pass up dessert. It was true; he did have a sweet tooth. Thunder rolled again, and he realized he'd been staring. "May I be excused?" Hayden asked suddenly. "I have some homework to finish up."

"Of course," Gail replied with a nod. She glanced at her daughter. "Perhaps you should do the same."

Hayden wasted no time in pushing away from the table and walking toward the staircase, but by the time he made it to his room, he felt as if he'd run a marathon. He plopped down at his desk, out of breath and if at all possible, more exhausted than he was before.

He pulled out his math textbook and started on his homework, but found himself unable to concentrate. Even science was a struggle for him as he worked, and he loved science. His head was clanging like a gong, his muscles ached, and his eyes drooped in weariness. Once he had finally finished, he changed his clothes and crawled into bed, forgetting all about his hot shower. He was just too tired.

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