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Suddenly, growling and barking came from nowhere, and Hades lept onto Steven's arm, knocking him to the ground.  Steven howled in pain as the dog dragged him down the steps. 

The police ran in, tackling him to the ground.  Ava watched numbly as they shoved him into a police car and sped away.  An EMT sprinted toward her, and tried to lead her toward the Ambulance. 

"I'm fine, just help Hayden and my dog." She pulled out of the man's grasp, trying to go back to the house. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, obviously doubting her. 

She nodded shakily, and he jogged after some other medical staff toward the house.  A medic was wrapping a temporary bandage around Hades' middle, and finally coming to her senses, Ava rushed to her dog.

The woman shot her a sorrowful look as she pulled out a stethoscope.  Ava dropped to her knees beside the pair, her throat tightening at the growing patch of blood. 

"There's not much more I can do," the woman shook her head.  "It's up to him whether he lives or not."

Ava's eyes traced the big dog, watched as he struggled over each ragged breath.  His eyes were dull.  He had saved her life—twice—and it cost him his own.  Tears welled up her eyes.  "Thanks, boy," she whispered, the tears spilling out.  "You're a good  You're the best dog in the whole world.  You're my hero."

Hades whined, and pushed himself limply toward her.

"I'd be dead if it wasn't for you," she cried, her heart slowly but surely breaking in two.  "Tell you what, if you get better, I'll give you all the peanut butter you want."

Hades continued trying to inch his way toward her, despite the pain it obviously caused him. 

"What are you doing, boy?" she sniffed, trying to get herself under control.  But suddenly she realized why he was so desperately trying to get to her.  He was still trying to protect her.  He wanted to be as close as he could, so that even in his weakened, injured state, he could still protect her.

She burst into tears again, leaning her head down on his muscular neck.  How could she make him stop hurting himself?  Release.  She could release him.  Let him do as he liked, even if it was just for the last few moments of his life.  "Release, Hades," she cried.  "Release."

Hades lifted his head and licked the side of her face, then slowly lowered his head back to the ground.  He gave one last sigh, and was released from his pain, from working, from life itself. 

Ava gave a loud sob as she felt Hades breathe his last.  He was so obedient.  He'd even waited to die until he'd been released.  "Release." She whispered it over and over again, as if telling herself to let go of the tears and sorrow.

Steven.  She hated him.  She'd kill him if she ever got the chance.  Oh, she'd make him pay for this!  She'd wring his neck and rip out...


She drew in a breath, tears still falling.  Release.  Let it go.  She wouldn't hate him.  Hate wouldn't hurt him.  It only hurt her, make her bitter, sucked the joy out of life.  No, no hate.

She glanced up at the house, swallowing hard as she saw a stretcher being carried up to the house.  Several more police cars had arrived, and were blocking the way of curious neighbors and reporters.  A sudden cry of "We're losing him!" sounded from the house, and more EMTs ran inside.  What was happening?  Was Hayden alright?  Was he dying?  Fear lurched in her stomach.


She drew in a long, shaky breath.  No fear.  Hayden would be alright.  She just needed to stay out of the way and let the professionals do their job.  Just release. 

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