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"Deaky" Brian's breath hitched as he saw the young bassist fall to the ground

The look of horror in Brian's face was enough to make Freddie turn around and see what was happening. There was John, on the floor, lifeless. Freddie shot up and ran over to John, sliding on his knees a bit when he reached the ground. Roger was pushing people out of the way, making sure he gave a bigger push to the guy that did this. Yes, it was an accident but Roger was fuming.

Brian got the bartender to call for an ambulance before he got down on the floor too. Freddie was sobbing.

"Fred mate, calm down and just hold his head for me. Make sure his neck doesn't move" Brian gave the instructions

Freddie wiped his eyes with his sleeves before gently holding John's head in his hands.

"Is he g-going to be al-alright Brian?" Freddie sniffled

"Don't panic Fred. As soon as the ambulance comes he will be in safe hands.

The bartender had handed the phone over to Roger so he could tell them what happened.

"He got hit in the head and now he's unconscious. My friends are making sure his head is still. He's called John, John Deacon. He's 25 years old. Um. When are you coming?" Roger spoke quickly on the phone

Just as he said that, two paramedics walked into the pub. They first put John on a stretcher with a neck brace on. They then took him out to the ambulance.

"Freddie!" Roger sighed and pulled Freddie into a hug after seeing how upset he was

"Why didn't he wake up?" Freddie cried

"He took a big hit Fred" Brian looked sympathetically into Freddie's teary eyes

"We have to get to the hospital" Freddie was already making his way to the door

When the boys got outside they saw the blue lights from the ambulance drive off. It was raining and dark and they had to walk to the hospital as they all had too much alcohol to drive.

"W-What if he never wakes up?" Freddie's face turned into an expression of shear horror

"Freddie he will be ok. Whatever happens we will get though it together" Brian put a hand on his shoulder as they began to walk down the wet and cold streets of London.

They made it to the hospital and after a while, found out what ward Deaky was on. He was on an emergency ward which only panicked Freddie more. The three men sat on chairs in a small waiting room. There was a small table at the end with magazines piled high. Brian picked one up and began reading to take his mind off the stress. Freddie silently broke down in tears. As hard as he tried to hide it, Roger saw and wrapped the frontman into a hug.

"Why can't we see him?" Freddie said

"It's only family Fred" Roger tried to explain

"We are his family! I've been his boyfriend for nearly a year, he's practically my husband!" Freddie raged

"Hey Freddie" Brian put his magazine down and sat down next to Freddie, "being this stressed isn't going to help John, is it?"

Freddie shook his head. Brian was right. Brian was always bloody right.

"What do we do?" Freddie whimpered

"All we can do is wait here Freddie" Brian smiled sympathetically

"I'm sorry Brian" Freddie yawned

"Why don't you take a nap? I'll wake you if I hear anything" Brian suggested

"Ok, thank you" Freddie closed his eyes

Roger decided to join the slumber, leaning his head on Freddie's shoulder and soon being fast asleep. Brian got back to his magazine. He eyed up every nurse or doctor that walked past, looking for any kind of clue as to how John was.

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