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All four members of the band walk down the street, bound for the studio. It was chilly out. The wind snapped through the streets.

"Here we are John" Brian smiled as he pointed to the double doored entrance to the studio

They all walked in. In their studio there were lots of posters and pictures on the wall. John looked at them, they seemed familiar but he couldn't remember what they were from. He then spotted a shiner guitar. He remembered that Roger told him he played guitar so he went over to see it.

"Is this mine?" John held up a red guitar he found in the studio

"No that's mine. Yours is that black and white one down there" Brian pointed

"Oh. Sorry" John squeezed his eyes shut for a second, he got a bit frustrated.

"Hey, it's ok" Brian put his hand on John's back

John sat down on the long, worn sofa at the end of the room. There were two pillows which seem to have seen better days laying on the brown leather. Roger

"Sing me a song" John said

Roger sat down at his drums, Brian picked up his guitar and Freddie set up a microphone.

"What shall we do?" Roger asked

"Somebody to love" Freddie said. It sounded like he made his mind up a while ago.

"Alright" Brian grinned

Freddie began singing. John's jaw dropped, Freddie was incredible. John couldn't take his eyes off Freddie throughout the whole song. It got to the end of the song and John got up and walked over to Freddie. Roger was still playing a beat on his drums which matched John's heartbeat. Freddie and John were face to face. John still had an expression of shock on his face.

Roger then messed up his drum rhythm and screamed. John snapped out of his shock.

"Roger?" He looked over Freddie's shoulder to the drummer

"Yeah" Roger was confused

"Roger!" John walked over to the drum kit

Freddie's heart broke when Deaky walked past him.

"I remember you!" John hugged the drummer

Brian laughed.

"Hey that's not fair! My screaming made you remember me?" Roger quizzed

"Yes!" John laughed loudly

Freddie turned to face them all. Even though he was upset, he was happy for John, his memory was coming back. And fast.

Freddie went into deep thought. Why was he the last to be remembered? Was Deaky even trying to remember Freddie? Don't be silly, of course he was. He's trying to remember everything. Maybe it's too much for his brain to deal with.

"Let's get takeaway to celebrate!" Roger raised his voice

"The things you do for food" John smiled

"You really do remember him" Brian giggled childishly

They all bundled out of the studio. Freddie a pace or two behind. He didn't feel part of the group. He was the only one John can't remember. He wasn't included in the celebrations. Freddie had nothing to celebrate.

They got home with their food and all sat in the living room. As soon as Freddie finished his meal he excused himself to go to his room. He had now moved in to their spare room to give John his own space. The spare room was next door to John and Freddie's room. Freddie walked in and sat at the end of the bed. Tears filled his eyes. He couldn't hide his sadness anymore. He decided to go to bed. Yes, it was very early but Freddie knew he would be up all night anyway so he may as well try and get some rest. Freddie got under the covers and pulled it over his head. He hoped the covers would muffle the sound of his crying. Slowly, he fell asleep soaked in tears.

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