Joining the Army

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* I will be going by military time for this story*
Year: 2500 Time: 8:01 Place: the Mack resistance Planet: Holocron

Henry Mack was an 18 year old brown haired young individual who was very curious about lots of things. He is living in a small house that has 3 floors and is on a farm 5miles away from any city with his mother and father. He was laying in his unmade bed in a very messy room thinking how cool it would be to fly around the galaxy in a x5 star ship shooting plasma guns. He never liked being in this hell hole of a house, he always liked to travel and site seeing.

His parents didn't like the idea of him joining the army and wanted to stay. Just the thought of him getting a simple cut and a drip of blood and they would freak out. "Mom I'm not a little kid any more" said Henry. "I know I don't want you getting hurt" said his mom. "I know you are going to miss me but I need to join its for our planet" said Henry. "But there is lots of other ways to help the planet though, besides your father needs you to help out on the farm" said his mother. The room was quiet and Henry's mom sat there staring at the wall and then said, "Fine you can go, but be careful and promise me you will come back" said Henry's mom shakily, "please promise me" . "Ok mom" said Henry and they hugged.

So Henry went over to to sign up and the place was huge it had 5 floors and it hovered off the ground and had a cyber bell at the top that rung every hour. It had a gym and a small water water park. It was so crowded it was hard to see where the front desk was. When he was signing up he met a 18 year old girl about 5 foot 8 inches she was a red head and vary beautiful. He told her hi and said "My name is Henry". Her name was Catherine and they shook hands. "So, what are you signing up for" said Henry, "I'm signing up to serve are planet" Catherine said, "Sweet me too" he said. They sat down and talked for what seemed like hours and then, "flight 3 for H.C.U is on runway 5 waiting for take off" said the announcer. "Looks like we have a plane to catch" said Catherine.

They boarded the flight and Henry was really quiet. "What's a matter Henry you don't like flying" she said. "No I am so excited I have never gotten on a plane before" he said. "Well between you and me, I never did either" she said. Henry smiled and leaned back in his comfortable chair and stared at the ceiling.

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