Chapter 2

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  "This CANNOT be! I am certain that the Moon Goddess has made a mistake or something it has to be." I yelled. I was on my knees while Thanos circled me admiring my features. I was beyond scared.

  "No little one, this is not a mistake but you are a reward to me for my efforts, you are mine." he said lowly.

  He then stopped right in front of me, I looked at my hands focussing on the cool metal of the cuffs restraining my hands and occasionally looking at the pair of boots in front of me.

  "Stand up." He commanded. I did not even know if I could, my legs felt like jelly and the rest of my body was rigid.

  "Do not make me ask you again." He threatened.

  Quickly I scurried off the ground to stand wanting to obey him, my gaze however still towards his boots.

  "Tell me my love, what is your name?" A large hand came up to my face tilting my chin so I could meet his eyes, then caressing my cheek.

  "My name is Althea." I said in a small voice.

  "Ah, what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." I could not believe I had begun to blush. Doing so made Thanos smirk.

  He leaned down to my height and came right next to my ear. I felt his hot breath tickling the inside of my ear.

  Finally, in a low and quiet voice, he whispered to me "I cannot wait to claim you and make you completely mine. You may not love me now but you will learn in due time." With that said I quickly faced downward to hide my red face.

  He seemed to enjoy flustering me as much as he could.

  'Oh lord, he sounds serious about it.' I thought. 'Maybe if I earn his trust quickly I can escape.'

  "Maw, take her to my chambers and make sure the doors are locked. I will see you soon Althea." Shivers went down my spine as Thanos said my name.

  The alien who I now knew as Maw lifted me up with his telekinesis power. With the sudden movement, I yelped. Maw led us through a maze of hallways with ease. I, on the other hand, was trying to memorize everything for my plan.

  Along the way, I saw a library with the capacity to fit tens of thousands of books probably in different alien dialects. In addition, we passed a certain room with closed doors that smelled earthly.

  After a couple of minutes from trailing through hallways, we made it to the room. The doors to enter were massive, well for a massive person of course. Maw opened it with ease, he showed me in and left shortly after telling me not to fool around.

  The sound of the doors closing was heard and then the lock following after.

  "Hmph." I pouted. My life was going downhill faster than a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck.

  Coming back to reality I decided to look around. The room was almost as big as my home, but I had a small home too. The walls were painted a dark grey color. In the center of the room was a bed larger than two king sizes put together with plush blankets and pillows on top. 

  The only other things besides the bed were nightstands on either side with lamps along with a work station and couch.

  Lastly, there were two other doors. I opened one and it led to a bathroom. When I opened the other door there was a display stand in the center with nothing else. On it seemed to be a golden glove.

  I instantly felt like I should have not been in there so I speedily walked out and closed the door.

  Satisfied with my discovery, I lazily walked towards the bed. I climbed up onto it and felt the cool and silky touch of the sheets. They reminded me of the ones I owned at home.

  My head was then filled with the sudden train of thoughts of home. Oh, how I missed being able to enjoy sitting outside absorbing the suns wonderous heat in the day. And at night, stargazing to my heart's content.

  I wish there was someone who could save me, but I was alone. Always alone, no friends, no parents, no nothing. I lived my life in mostly solitude.

  Hell, the only thing I had was nature sometimes.

  I did not realize I was crying until a teardrop landed on my hand. I went to the center of the bed and curled up as tight as my body could.

  It was rare for me to cry. Usually, I had a carefree attitude and outlook on life.

  "Don't cry." a voice softly spoke. I had not even noticed that my wolf had stayed quiet the entire time of the day. 

  'I can't, I wanna go home. I don't want to be here.' I broke down in sobs, ugly inhales and exhales raking out of me. I could not feel any more miserable than I was right now. 

  The rest of that night I slept, silent tears escaping me now and then.




And the second chapter is done! Thank you for reading this chapter and I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave feedback it would help me greatly.

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