Chapter 3

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  I woke up distraught. Stretching my limbs and flexing my muscles till I was satisfied. Doing so I felt the texture of the sheets. I almost believed I was at home for a moment until I opened my eyes.

  The events all flooded back into my mind, still fresh. I then noticed for some reason that my hands were no longer restrained but there was something around my neck still preventing me from using my abilities.

I brought a hand up to my face and felt the dried tears on my cheeks and eyes from the previous nights. In reality I was hoping it was all just a bad dream.

  Taking in a deep breath and exhaling I jumped of the large bed and headed to the door I remembered that led to the bathroom.

  I took a look in the mirror and saw the reflection of a complete mess. My eyes were puffy and swollen and my hair was as crazy as a rats nest.

  I sighed at my reflection and looked downward. I think I definitely deserved a nice shower. The only risk though was being walked in on by the Titan himself. I shivered at the thought and my face was red from embarrassment.

  After giving it enough thought I finally came to an agreement with myself to take a long ass bath.

  I walked over to the massive tub and began to prepare the bath. I set the water temperature to as hot as I could handle. It went to the point where it was beginning to steam.

  After that, the only thing needed was some soap, shampoo and conditioner.
  I quickly removed my clothes and undergarments. When finished I looked at my frame in the mirror. Sometimes I think I look nice and other times I wish I could look different. No I did not feel like I was ugly but I did not feel pretty or beautiful.

  I have curves but it seemed like to little at times. I have wide hips and a fairly decent size bust. Not to small but not too big either. To top it off I was a height of 5'4. My figure was usually hidden from wearing large baggy clothes because who honestly does not feel comfortable in that.

  Straying from my thoughts I went ahead to the luxury I had ahead.

  Taking my time I slowly submereged into the tub, enjoying the sensation of the hot water against my skin.

  "Oh yes, this is just what I needed." I moaned. It was such a great feeling that I enjoyed greatly.

  I dipped my head under the water and got my hair wet and began to wash my hair with the shampoo and conditioner I had found.

  On the wall next to me I noticed a silver button and out of curiosity I pressed it.

  To my suprise bubbles began to fill the bath tub.

  "No way. The great and mighty titan, Thanos has a bubble dispenser in his bath tub!" My face lit up and I instantly felt like a little child.

  Once the tub was filled to a good proportion of bubbles it stopped.

  This is so much better than I thought. I cupped my hands to get as many bubbles and blew them. It felt magical. Yes, my 22 year old ass felt like it was having a magical moment.

  When done playing around I relaxed deeper into the tub and closed my eyes. I used this time to meditate on what was happening. Maybe I was over thinking. Maybe being with Thanos could be nice. Right?

  Deep down I still wanted to escape. But maybe life here would not be so bad. I imagined myself with the Titan. Being with him in meetings, events, and god knows what else.

  Then I thought of the intercourse with him. I imagined us in bed, His large frame over me, hands roaming, exploring, and covering every inch of my body. And finally the actual sex. His length must be massive and might probably tear me apart. The thought scared me.

  "What the hell am I thinking!" I opened my eyes and buried my face in my hands.

  "Well I for one liked that very much." My wolf said slyly.

  'Shut up you.' I told the wolf.

  I decided after almost an hour of sitting in the tub it was time to get out. Unplugging the knob for the drain, I stood up and grabbed the white fluffy towel on the towel rack.

  I dried my hair and and put it up in a messy bun. It was the only thing I was used to doing with my hair.

  Thankfully the closet was in the bathroom and I was able to find clothes for myself. Everything mist have been prepared for me when I had first arrived. Or should I say kidnapped?

  To my suprise the had the right clothe sizes for me, down to the bra even. I settled in a black dress with long sleeves and boots that reached up to my knees. This would do for now.

  I opened the door and peeked out first until I deemed it safe. I walked towards the couch until I stopped. On the work station I failed to notice the book stand next to it. My feet brought me towards that instead and there were books from earth. With a smile I plucked a book from case and went to the couch to read it.

  It was a good 30 minutes of reading until I was disturbed by a noise.

  Someone had knocked on the door.

  "Permission to enter." A voice said.

  "Uh, yes you may come in." I said hesitantly.

  A female alien, probably servant of Thanos, had entered the room.

  She had a dark magenta like skin color, grey eyes and flowing hair that was almost a golden color.

  "Pardon me Lady Althea but Lord Thanos has requested you to come eat dinner with him."

  "Oh, um, very well then." I honestly thought it was morning but apparently not. I placed the book down on the couch and hopped off.

  I smoothed out my dress and told her I was ready.

  "Lead the way." I said while attempting a smile.

  We left the room and began to walk through the endless halls.

  "So, may I ask what your name is?" I asked politely.

  "Ah it is Correlia." She answered witha smile.

  "That's a very lovely name." I complimented. I wanted to ask her what Thanos was like but I did not think I should.

  We arived at the destination and Correlia said Thanos was beyond those doors.

  I thanked her and gathered up my courage to open the doors. The room was massive once again. A very elegant chandelier was on the ceiling and a beautiful table was in the center of the room. Sitting at the very end of the table was the one and only, Thanos.

  "Althea, how nice of you to join me." He said with a smirk.

  I swallowed thickly.

  'God help me.'

Woohoo! Chapter three is up! Tell me how you think things are going so far and if you are enjoying it. Also just wanted to say a big thanks to those who have been commenting and voting on the story, it means a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading this and I love you guys 3000. (Endgame referance😁)



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