Chapter 4

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  Being in the same room as Thanos I could not help but be cautious. He stood up and pulled out the chair to his right for me. I walked over and hopped up onto the chair.

  With a quick movement of his arms he pushed in my chair for me and went on over to his.

  "Thank you." I almost whispered. I was not happy with my current situation at the moment but I had my manners still.

  "You are quite welcome little one. For tonight's dinner I had my cooks work on a Terran meal for you." I kept my focus on the plate in front of me.

  The whole time I felt Thanos's gaze pierce into my head. Im sure he wanted me to give him the smallest amount of attention but I was unsure with myself.

  The smell of food broke me out of my thoughts and I rose my head to find the source. My head turned to another door to see other beings rushing out platers and dishes of food.

  Steak, pasta, bread, salads, fruits and even more was now displayed in the table. My eyes widened and my mouth almost started to water like a faucet being turned on.

  "Go ahead and grab anything you would like." Thanos said with amusement.

  I had not realized I was hungry until now. I did not eat for two days so I planned to have a feast.

  Eagerly but politely, I leaned over and grabbed two different pieces of steak, ceaser salad and gnocchi soup. This was absolute heaven for me.

  After watching my whole frenzy Thanos served himself a good amount of food for himself.

  "Mmm, oh yes this is delicious." I moaned out. Thanos looked up to me and I turned my head to face him. There was a look in his eyes that I just could not figure out.

  I quickly dissmised the thought and went back to devouring my food. In all my years I had never eaten such a grand meal. Heck I might even consider staying here if they fed me like this everyday.

  "Althea, how are you coping with being here?"

  I almost choked on my food. Was he really asking me that? Oh I don't know, I'm freaking great after being kidnapped and held against my will.

  I decided to say a quick short answer of "Yes I'm doing well."

  Thanos then decided to proceed and ask me more about my personal life. "Maw had told me that you had abilities but he never elaborated on them. Would you tell me?"

  "Well I have the ability to control aspects of weather and nature. I could easily create a forest in a matter of seconds."

  He looked to be in thought for a second before speaking again.

  "After dinner I would like to take you to a special room on the ship."

  "Ok." I felt as though I knew which room he told me about.

  "Thanos? If I may ask, what is it that you do?" The only thing I knew was that he was a dangerous man.

  "I bring peace and salvation to the universe." He said briefly

  "I don't quite understand?" I looked at him puzzled.

  "The universe is in an imbalance. On many planets there are people who wake up starving, people who live in poverty. What I do is fix that by exterminating half of the population. Afterwards the planet is able to thrive. My idea was brought up when my home world suffered. I brought the idea up but everyone thought I was a mad man. Now my home is dead, no one remains."

  I took all of that in. In a sense I knew what he was doing was bit it did not bother me. It shocked me of course but if he said the planet's were now prospering it would be ok right? Or maybe I'm just crazy.

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