Chapter 5

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It had been 6 weeks since the first time I slept with Thanos in bed. My time with Thanos was improving over the passing weeks. I am now at the point where I am very comfortable with him and can handle the situation.

Over the weeks we have grown closer, he had become more open to me and began showering me with gifts. Once on his good side, he could be a very pleasant man to be with. I have seen him with a fervent temper because one of his children had failed to complete a task and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. Lastly, he had gained his trust for me and gave me more freedoms.

Presently I was in the library reading a collection of books until the glint of gold distracted my focus. Ahead of me at the doors was Thanos, fully dressed in his massive armor. A soft smile crept onto my face.

He gently strode over to me and kneeled on one knee to try and be leveled with me.

"My love, I have to leave you but only for 3 weeks." he tightly said.

The smile quickly left from my face as it had arrived.

"Is it another one of your missions?" I knew this would happen eventually but I was so happy being with him. Maybe I am overreacting but still, I don't want to feel alone again.

"Yes little one, it pains me to leave you but this must be done."

My head fell but he slowly lifted it up with his index and middle finger.

"Do not be saddened my love, I will return to you." He cupped my head with his hand and I placed mine over his.

"Mmm, I'm going to miss you." I told him truthfully

Our eyes stayed interlocked for a moment. I found myself getting lost in the depth of his grey orbs. He leaned in and slowly our lips connected and locked in a passionate heat. He nibbled my bottom lip to ask for entrance and I obliged. His dominance was overbearing, his tongue exploring every possible crook.

I was so lost in the kiss, I almost forgot to breathe. We broke the kiss and looked at each other. His eyes were now clouded with lust roaming over my lips and his pupils dilated. With a swift movement of his muscular arms, he grabbed my hips and placed me in his lap.

I was fazed by this and let out a yelp, my hands now on his armored chest piece. My body was now straddling his waist. My eyes widened and my face flushed at the feeling of his, very large, growing bulge.

He brought his head to the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

"You elicit me in the most unimaginable ways, my love." he deeply exhaled. "I swear I could take you right here right now."

I was silent and so, and I mean very so turned on. I did not seem to notice how my body acted on its own. My breaths became shallower and I yearned more for his touch, bringing my body as close to his as possible.

My wolf was very much pleased with this, as she had been craving these moments.

We both stayed like this, locked in each other's embrace. I truly wished we could stay like this but time said otherwise.

With a pained sigh, Thanos removed me off of him.

"As much as I cherished that I must go." He said with a grin

"It's okay, ill be here waiting for you."

Saying our final good bye's he left to his ship and headed off.

The first week alone without him was terrible. I needed him and his touch. His soothing voice, his deep eyes, his love.

The second week, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse my first heat had begun. It was a burning sensation so uncomfortable. My skin was a hot sweaty fever almost feeling as if it were sunburned, constantly making me take a cold bath to alleviate the pain.

The only way this could stop is if I had intercourse with my partner. I did not know how to feel at the thought of giving myself to Thanos in this condition but if it could stop it I'm sure I would not refuse the chance.

The first servant I met, Correlia had taken me to see the doctor on the ship. They had given me suppressants but they barely affected me. I felt like I could just die. It was such an intense feeling and it would not stop. And finally, to top the cake, Thanos would not be returning for another week.

I was currently in our bed dressed in nothing with only a thin blanket tossed over me. I really felt like I was dying

"Oh Thanos please come back, I need you." I weakly pleaded.

To my knowledge, I had not known that Thanos had arrived back from his mission early. When he returned he immediately noticed the strong scent of pheromones. Others had noticed it too but not as much as he did, for I was his mate.

Thanos had made it to the room but I had noticed his pinewood like scent invade my nostrils. It was then I noticed him when he placed a hand on my hip, sending waves of pleasure up my body.

"Althea, my love are you okay?" His voice was thick with concern.

I sat up and inched as close as I could to him. He was my medicine.

"Oh thank God you're back, I need you please I need you so bad."I breathed. Everything was so dizzy and I was so tired.

"It's alright, I'm right here." he removed his armor and sat on the bed placing me on top of him.

I noticed he was showing restraint. He took the fact that the only thing covering me was the blanket. His hand was now fisting the blanket on my back and his eyes were flared up with a cloud of want and lust. His jaw was tight and a vein almost popping out in his neck

The pheromones were affecting him but my attire was the major thing affecting him.

"It pains me to see you in this state, but you know what needs to be done to stop this, don't you?" He questioned.

"Yes." I swallowed thickly.

"My question is, do you want it?"

Every fiber of my being screamed yes. It was not even a question.

"I do want it, I need it."

Our eyes connected and just like that, I submitted to him.

"You don't know how long I've yearned for this." Quickly after telling me, he captured my lips igniting a fire.

And chapter 5 is up! I just want to thank everyone who has been reading this because wow, that is a lot of readers (at least for me). Thank you all for you're continuous support along with voting and commenting. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and a quick heads up to everyone the next chapter is gonna be spicy. Again, Thank you all !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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