Chapter 15 - Hurtful Truth

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Authors Note • I feel bad for making Katsuki an asshole but you'll get why. At least I hope. I decided to be nice and give another chapter since it was already finished.

     I stayed in that morning. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to sleep. But my stomach growled so I hoisted myself up and wobbled to the kitchen. I made some breakfast and remembered my broken phone.
'Ugh. I have to deal with people today.' I thought as I headed back upstairs. I threw on a black hoodie and blue sweatpants along with my bi colored (black and white) shoes. I tied my hair back in a messy bun, brushed my teeth and grabbed my broken phone and the pocket knife I never leave without. I placed the damaged item in a ziplock bag and snatched my keys from the counter as I made my way to the door. 'I hope I don't see anyone I know.' I didn't even bother to wash my face.
The walk was refreshing in the afternoon air. I decided to walk since it was so nice out. I found the phone shop and walked in.
¥3450 just to fix a phone. Damn, but at least I don't have to worry about it now. I turned a corner, about to pull my hood up until someone yanked me by the hood.
"Ack!" I yelped.
"Aw! I'm sorry! Did I hurt you my darling?" The voice cooed. A chill went down my spine. I knew who it was and I hated it.
"Let me go, Riku." I demand.
"Man, are we on a last name basis now, (n/n)? How sad." He whimpers, his grip not loosening on my hair. I grit my teeth and say nothing. He yanks my head to where it forces me to make eye contact. Purple orbs meat my (e/c) ones. His white hair disheveled on purpose making him as handsome as ever. Well, that's what his first impressions were. But this wasn't mine.
I glared at him.
"That's a scary look on you, ya'know!" He smiles that irritable grin of his.
"Let me go." I demand, less shaky than before. He lets out a hearty laugh.
"No because the you'll run away! You always run away from the danger, am I right?" I say nothing. I slip my hand in my pocket knife, my finger sliding over the button that flips it out.
     "What do you want, Riku?" I ask coldly.
     "I wanted to see your pretty face because I didn't get a good look at it at the USJ." He cooed with a little more venom. "Your (h/c) hair hasn't changed a bit. It's still as soft if not softer." He brought the locks he had in his hand and sniffed it. It made me shudder. "It's smells sweet. Like cherries."
     "You saw my face now let me go." I demanded with impatience.
     "Now now, why would I do that? I just got you back, my lo-" I wasted no time. I flipped the knife and slashed his arm before running out to the public. I ran and ran until I came across a neighborhood I clearly knew-
     Wait... 'This is Bakugou's neighborhood!' I think. I turned around, about to walk out of it when I saw him. He followed me.
     "Now that's not a nice thing to do to and old friend." He huffed, holding his slightly bloody arm.
     "Asshole!" I say.
     "Woah there! There's no need to throw profanities. After all," a sinister smile spreads across his lips, "you're just Terupashi's bitch of a daughter. I bet he'd agree because of how weak and cowardly you are."
Time stopped. My heart stopped. The only thing that was moving was my thoughts.
'How dare you..? I'm not gonna run.' I slowly step forward towards the bastard. 'I'm not gonna hide.'
"I'm not gonna listen to you..." I mumble.
"Oh I'm sorry! Did I hit a nerve?" He laughed. He fucking laughed.
"I'm not a coward because..." I stop about two feet in front of him.
"Because? Awe cat got your tongue?" He laughed again.
"Because..." I pause.
"You're making this way over dramatic-" I punch him square in the jaw, making him fly backwards 10 feet.
"IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I scream. He launches himself in the air, throwing thorns in my direction. I dodge them and teleport behind him.
"Boo!" I kick him to the ground and he lands hard enough to make a crack.
"You're a lot stronger than I expected." He admitted. He threw thorns out of his foot and some pelt me.
"I've always been stronger than you." I says picking him up with my telekinesis and throwing him back down. He coughs but then he smiles.
"What the hell are you... smiling... about?" I fall down.
"Poison~" he sings. 'What?' I look down to see the thorns are not regular thorns, they're spikes, and they're dissolving. I look back at the struggling villain. Using all my strength, I stand up with him.
     "I'm surprised you can still move. I'm impressed, but you're gonna die either way so-"
     "No I'm not. I haven't fulfilled my duty yet." I cough.
     "Oh, you mean about the villains who kill your weak father? Don't worry, they're dead now." He says. My eyes widen as he laughs. "I killed them for this moment. Now you have no excuse to live anymore!" His evil laughter fills my ears. Without thinking, I stumble towards him. Using the last of my strength I throw a punch, knocking him down. And I fall backwards. I land on my back and my vision starts to blacken.
     Until I hear a screech.
     As if adrenaline was coursing through me, I moved. I stood up, using the strength I thought I'd lost. What I saw had me running.

-Katsuki Bakugou's P.O.V-

     'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I do that? I promised myself for her sake that I wouldn't tell anyone so why did I act like an asshole?' My head throbbed from over thinking. I turned over on my bed, hugging my pillow tightly to my chest.
     "She probably hates me..." I said to no one. I told her it was okay to cry. It's okay to be scared yet I told everyone how weak she was. How stupid she was. But she's the strongest and smartest girl I fucking know.
     "I'm such a dumbass. Fucking half 'n half." I mumble angrily. 'If only you'd kept your mouth shut this wouldn't have happened.' I sigh. And close my eyes. I pictured her. Her long, (h/c) locks, beautiful bright (e/c) eyes, her smile, her shape. Everything about her was perfect to me.
     Yet I screwed up any chance I had to make her mine because of stupid jealousy.
     I was about to fall asleep even though it was the middle of the day until I heard and inhuman screech. Well, it didn't seem human.
     I jump up, pull on a black sweats and a t shirt and ran out the house with no shoes because I'm a dumbass. I run around the corner but was instantly thrown back by a force. I cover my face with my arms and close my eyes as I hit the wooden fence to Mr. Sakio's yard. I stayed there for a second before opening my eyes...


See you in the next chapter.

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