Katsuki Bakugou

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Shoto walks out of my house, leaving me disappointed. He said no and that made my heart hurt. I could've just tricked him like I did Katsuki but I knew he wouldn't fall for my illusion. He had an observant type of personality so he'd instantly know what I would be trying to pull. He wasn't stupid. I sigh. 'Welp, there's nothing I can do except accept his wish.' Damn, now I'm feeling guilty for fooling Katsuki but kinda not.
I get dressed, pulling on my favorite (f/c) crop top that was beaded between the holes of the sleeves and black jeggings and my also bedazzled combat boots I'd bought a few years back that surprisingly still fit my foot comfortably. This would probably be the only time I'd throw on some sort of lipstick. A dark red that complemented my white teeth nicely. I put on some mascara and walk down stairs. I have 30 minutes to get their so better arrive early instead of late. I close my eyes and teleport there. I know what it looks like and where it is since I've been there with my aunt twice.
As I thought, I was the first one here. Well, at least that's what I thought until I saw the girls I abandoned earlier with Ako asking for a private reservation that Mina was supposed to appoint. I examine Ako for a moment. Her red hair was tied neatly in a loose braid that was resting on her shoulder and held up by a golden feather beret and she wore a plain black dress that wasn't too formal but not casual either. Her shoes were golden flats that looked mildly comfortable and there was jewelry hanging from her neck and wrists. Mina was wearing a turquoise dress with a black belt and mid calf boots to match and her hair was messier than usual held together by a sequined bow. Uraraka was sporting a pink and white dress and had pink converse to match and a white head band in her hair. Feeling completely underdressed, I walk up to the arguing people.
"What's going on?" I ask. They looked at me, obviously taken back by my appearance.
"You cut your hair!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"And wearing a bit of makeup." Ako says. I look to the frustrated Mina.
"This jerk right here says I didn't reserve anything so we can't get in." She huffed.
"You made a reservation for next Saturday ma'am. There's nothing I can do." The waiter states.
"I'll pay to have it moved to today. If there are rooms open of course." I proposed. They look at me wide eyed.
"There are two rooms open but that'll cost 4,500 more yen-" I cut him off and take out my emergency cash I keep in my wallet and hand it over.
"Show us to one of the rooms, please." I say. He takes the money and counts it. Nodding his head in approval, he stashed away the yen in the cash register and held a out a gesture with his hand.
"Right this way." He said. The girls grinning at me as we walked down the hallway following the worker down to a room at the end and opening the door. We go in, the three teenagers completely in awe as we stare around the room.
There was a couple of booths and a stage with a TV and karaoke machine. The walls were a light warm grey and the floor was tile with vibrant brown wood adding a bit more character to the room. There were paintings of music related materials like notes and instruments strung around the room and a bathroom at the back. It was a nice room and it was really big for about fifty people to fit in and still be comfortable.
I turn towards the worker and smile.
"Thank you." I say. He nods as he closes the red door, leaving us alone in the room. Mina and Uraraka tackle me with a hug and jumble up "thankyouthankyouthankyou!" over and over again. I sigh and pat their backs. Ako giggles.
"They act like children." Ako said.
"They are children." I respond, making the two heroes in training let me go.
"We are not!" Mina pouted, failing to hide her smile.
" I'm just glad we got a room! (Y/n) you're a lifesaver!" Ochako stated. The other two nod in agreement.
We waited awhile, getting comfortable and ordering food that came in five minutes. Soon enough, the room was filled with the majority of Class 1-A. All the punctual people like Iida and Todoroki came early and Ako was already chatting up a storm with the dark blue haired boy, who seemingly is enjoying her company. Momo and Jirou and the rest of the Bakusquad came in later and Momo and Todoroki were talking about something so I couldn't speak to him. Everyone was busy doing their own thing while I was just off to the side sipping on my shake.
Eventually, the late ones arrive, one in which was Katsuki, who sat down across from me without even waving hi to the others. He was wearing a black shirt and white ripped jeans, for a change, and dark green high top sneakers. He looked hot and I felt warmth creeping up my neck and through out my face.
"Hey Katsu!" I happily say. He scoffs.
"I can't believe I let you trick me into singing with you. Fucking kill me already." He whined as I let out a chuckle.
"You know you can always back out." I say, feeling the guilt pinging at my gut. He rolls his eyes.
"That'll mean giving up and that's not in my fucking morals, dumbass." He scowls. I let out another chuckle.
"It your funeral."
"Right after yours, dipshit." He said amused.
Mina announced that she and a couple of the girls were gonna sing together and they ended up singing 'More Than Words' by Little Mix. I'm not particularly fond of the song, or the artists, but they were alright. Soon, Uraraka and Izuku duet with each other by singing 'Time After Time' by Cyndi Lauper and they sounded sweet together. All these love songs started making me feel queasy and for once Kaminari and Sero rocked out to 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance and I was happy for the change. Bakugou seemed pleased as well despite the two boys' awful vocals. The night was at its peak when Katsu and I decided to battle it out on the stage. We took the mics and people were surprised, even Todoroki who held a hint of regret on his face.
Mina came up to me and whispered in my ear. "How'd you manage to make Baku sing?"
"I tricked him." I simply said. She nodded with a snicker as she bounced away towards her friend group, which was the Bakusquad with the inclusion of Jirou and Hagakure. Bakugou has already picked a song before informing me in what it was.
"What'd you pick?" I ask. He smirked and I knew it wasn't a good sign.
"You just have to wait and figure it out, stupid." He snickered. The music started playing and I gasped. It was one of my favorite classic songs and it was 'No Air' by Cris Brown and Jordan Sparks. This was my dad's favorite song back in the day because it reminded him of mom. So it became my favorite as well. I can't believe he remember all those weeks ago when I told him about this. I'd expected him to forget and brush it off so it was a surprise for him to decide this particular song.  My mind was racing and my heart was about to beat out of my chest and I was certain that everyone in the room heard it. Katsuki started singing this first verse:
     "Tell me how I'm supposed to breath with no air?" He sang. Chills ran down my spine as I heard gasps in the audience. It was my turn to sing and I held the microphone up to my mouth with both shaky hands.
     The first verses came out soft and smooth unlike my shakiness. Around the chorus was when I started singing with my diaphragm. Mine and Katsuki's voices mixed with a smooth harmony and it felt like we were singing for a real show instead of karaoke. We'd make eye contact often and every time it made my face heat up and my heart beat faster and by the time we finished the last verse, I was certain I was gonna have a heart attack. At first there was silence and then absolute deafening cheers. Everyone was commenting on how good we sounded together and Jirou even complemented on how we were perfectly in tune. I was flustered and all I wanted to do was sit down and be left alone but everyone crowded around me. I didn't want to pass through because I would be knocking my friends out of the way but I had no choice if I wanted to get out. But before I could do so, Katsuki placed his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side and glared at our classmates.
     "Did you fucking forget that this idiot is claustrophobic or are you just assholes?" He yelled. That made everyone go away, muttering on how Bakugou was a dick and stuff like that. Except Mina, who told me to stay after everyone had left because she was having a girl's sleepover at her house anyway. I agreed and she left me alone. I sighed and took notice on how Bakugou was still holding me close to him and my face heated up. I don't know why but I felt really nervous around him since yesterday. I peeled myself away from his grip and positioned myself in front of the expressionless blonde. I'd caught a glimpse of Todoroki who was frowning and was staring down at the table while Izuku rambled on about something. He looked really sad but a faint smile came across his lips. Relieved, I turn to the boy in front of me.
     "Thank you." I say with a genuine smile to Katsuki, who just stares at me.
     "I need to talk to you." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room, and out of the restaurant in total before I could say anything. The air was humid and the sun was sitting on the horizon, painting the sky in an array of warm colors. He then stopped a couple of feet away from the door to the cafe and before I even could ask what was going on he said "Teleport to the tree we were at yesterday." He did it in such an authoritative tone that I just simply nodded my head and did what I was told.
     Once I opened my eyes I was yanked to the top of the hill by the blonde and that's when I finally had the chance to speak up.
     "What the heck are we doing here?" I ask annoyed and confused. He didn't respond but instead squeezed my hand tighter. Once we were at the base of the tree he stopped and turned to me with a small smile on his lips. The look on his face shocked me for a second. I unknowingly took notice on how the sunlight made his face and the continued falling petals glow vibrant and his red eyes were soft and piercing as they gazed into mine. A little bit of his blinding white teeth were shown and that too was illuminating light. Damn, his whole being was practically glowing. I noticed the tiny freckles and an ear piercing that was hid by his hair that I didn't see before and it just added to his beauty.
     "(N/n)?" He said, breaking me from my trancelike state. I immediately started blushing.
     "Could you repeat what you just said?" I mutter. He chuckled and it was adorable.
     "I didn't say anything yet." He informed. Now I was flustered from embarrassment and I looked down at out connecting hands. He was still holding mine tightly but I didn't mind it, until he removed his grip and left mine cold. I looked back up at the blonde who looked away.
     "What do we need to talk about?" I ask. He turns his back towards me and walks to the edge of the tree's end. He hitched a breath before speaking.
     "Do you ever see us like, umm..." he cleared his throat, "more than friends?"
"I don't know. I've never thought about it." I lied. I had little thoughts here and there but it wasn't until yesterday when I realized my feelings for him. I like him, more than a friend, and I like him a lot. I just hadn't noticed it until yesterday, when he held me close in his arms. It felt warm and safe even though I thought I was dying. He turned towards me and my heart fluttered. He had such a cute and innocent expression on his face and heat was nipping at his cheeks. I smile.
"Don't fucking judge me on what I'm about to say, okay?" He said. My eyes went wide. 'He's going to confess to me?' I thought. I walked slowly towards him. He's my crush and he's about to confess his feelings to me. At least, that's what I hope.
I stopped right in front of him. His head and gaze was turned to the side as the heat took over his cheeks.
"You're blushing~" I tease.
"No I am n-" I grab his shirt and pulled him down to my level and made him look me in the eye.
"It's cute." I whisper before placing my red lips against his. He grunted in surprise when our skin met. I molded my lips into his and finally he kissed back. Sparks went flying in my brain as my heart was beating at an abnormally fast rate. I've kissed before, but never like this. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pressed my body against his, deepening our kiss. I snake my arms around his neck, letting his soft hair slide in between my fingers. He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. Both of us were panting heavily. I was the first to open my eyes and nearly died at the sight.
Katsuki had red lipstick smudged all around his mouth and I laughed my ass off.
"What?" He asked in a panic. With a kind heart, I removed my hand from his hair and cupped his face, wiping away some of the make up and showing the red smudge to him. He placed his own finger and wiped some of it off. I snorted and buried my face in his shirt. Thank god it was black.
"Dipshit." He muttered.
"You looked like you sucked a popsicle!" I wheezed and pulled myself from his chest. I looked up at him and then he started laughing. I realized why.
"I have it too, don't I?" I sighed as he chuckled into my shoulder. He nodded and I laughed with him. He pulled back and looked at me with shining eyes.
"So does this mean we're together?" He asked shyly. I giggle and cupped his cheek. I couldn't help but smile.
"Did we just make out a second ago?" I retort. I kissed him again and I couldn't be happier.
We teleported to my house and removed the make up from our faces before we went back to the cafe. Katsuki threaded our hands together when we walked in the room where everyone was still present. Ako walked up to me with a huge smile plastered on her face.
"(Y/n)! Where have you been? I was loo-" Her gaze found our connected hands before clasping her palms over her mouth.
"Are you two dating now?" She asked eagerly. I glance at Katsuki, who wore his signature scowl.
"Yes we are, strawberry. Got a fucking problem with that?" He snarled. Ako didn't even get offended but instead let out a small squeal.
"Oh my gosh! You guys are so cute!"
"Fuck off." Me and Ako laughed.
"I need to go tell the girls!" She exclaimed. She bounced over to the table were the Bakusquad was resting. As Ako gossiped about us, I observed how everyone's face was either surprised or gleeful. Katsuki pulled me to the table we were sitting at earlier and I caught a glimpse of Kirishima's gaze. I noticed how sad he looked despite his smile being bright. A light bulb went off in my brain and guilt stabbed my gut. I'd forgotten that Eiji had a crush on Bakugou too.  I look at Katsuki who had a concerned expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" He asked quietly, squeezing my hand.
"Nothing." I glance back at Eijirou. "I'll be right back." I say. I released myself from his grasp and walk over to the red head. I had a fake smile on my face just as he had his.
"He Eiji, can I speak with you for a moment?" He looks up at me with the rest of the table. I could see him physically gulp as he let out a "sure" while everyone else was asking me questions. I ignored them and he follows me out of the room and into the hallway. It was empty, thankfully. I turn to the red head who now had a frown on his face.
"I know you like Katsuki." I confess. His eyes widen.
"H-How do you know that? I haven't told anyone!"
"I can tell by the way you look at him." I look down. "I like him a too. And I know we just started dating today but..." I trail off. I throw my arms around Kiri who stumbled from the impact. "But not if it's going to break my best friend's heart." I felt a hand on my back.
"Don't break up with him because of me. He's straight and I've accepted that." He cooed. I pull away, my gaze meeting his kind one. "I want you to be happy and I want him to be happy too. If you split so soon because of me I'd never forgive myself and everyone would be miserable. I'll move on and someday will meet someone who is right for me. It might not be this week or this year, but someday in the future." He smiled warmly at me and wiped a stray tear away from my eye. "But for now I'll be a good friend and support your relationship as everyone will." I smiled and tighten my hold on him. He was such a kind boy. If he wasn't gay, I would've chose him over anyone.
"Thank you, Eiji." I whisper. We stayed there for a moment before deciding to go back in.
Bakugou was sitting at the table where everyone had gathered and I sat in the seat next to him. Kirishima places himself back in his own seat before joining in on the conversation. I glanced at Shoto who was looking at me nonchalantly. I smile at him and he looked away. He had an expression I couldn't read so I gave up on trying. Izuku had his arm wrapped around Uraraka. Kami and Jirou was teasing each other and Ako and Iida were in a deep conversation of their own. Every one was happy and the room was filled with love. I snuggled onto Katsukis arm and he rested his head on mine.
There wasn't a care in there world and I was filled with joy. I pecked Katsuki on the cheek and hugged his side.
"I love you, Katsu."
"I love you too, (N/N)."

'So this is what you meant by finding what you lack.... right.....


Authors Note • ... I'm fucking crying at this shit. This was so sweet and now the story is (semi) finished.

Hello reader! There are two SEPARATE endings. If you wanna stop here the you can but I'm still gonna publish Todoroki's ending.


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