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Kinky shet, im making this chappy in school so I won't die of boredom, it's just a boring meeting about our party..... ugh.

This will be a lemon with you and any country so if you see this. (C/A) it means "country name" so it could be any country since I'm feeling lazi and enjoy...

I was walking back to my house tiredly, the meeting was just so boring.. I opened the door to see a familiar person.

"Y/n...?" She looked at me then smiled "welcome home" I walked towards her and she led me to the kitchen just to see my (c/f) (country food idk lol) on the table "I knew you'd come late so I made you dinner, my treat!" She said giving me a playful wink as I smiled in amusement and started to eat.

After I was done I placed back the plate into the sink and looked for y/n, I saw her on the couch drawing....again...my God she's the artist type..(YoU gOt ThaT RiGhT biTcH) I went closer to her and sat down beside her and she noticed me.

"You done eating?" I nodded looking at the TV "so y/n... Why did you come here anyways?" I asked as she giggled "I found a new movie we could try!" She smiled widely "of course..." I sighed then laughed at the same time as she excitedly placed the movie in and sat down on the floor below me. (Dats kinky-)

She leaned her head back and I was sitting with my legs open so it kinda hit my 'no no square', but the feeling of it makes me shiver both in shock and pleasure, I couldn't help but feel like I'm having an erection..I really adored y/n..she is smart, sweet, kind everything about her is perfect..

I felt shivers down my spine (sans reference lmaolmaolmao) as she scooted closer hitting it harder making me sigh in pleasure. (Is that possible? Lol) she noticed this and looked at me by leaning her head all the way to face me, like she was upside down or something, "you ok there c/a?" She asked as she turned around to face me until she saw my erection, "oh.."

(O H. B I T C H. P L E A S E) She said as her face turned red and I shook my head in embarrassment "I-ITS NOT W-WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" I stuttered "it's just that you were hitting it and when I noticed it I felt shock the pleasure and-" "wait.. you liked it?" She said tilting her head as I widened my eyes "no! I mean yes! I mea-" I got interrupted by her touching my erection (GIRL PLEASE-) and slowly stroking it "like this?" She asked so innocently it made me cringe at the feeling.

"Y-yeah...." I softly moaned making her turn pink as she went faster making me lean my head back, she continued to do this as i stopped her and unbuckled my pants making my dick stand tall and her blushing like a mess, she then hesitantly held it as I shivered in pleasure "does it hurt?" She asked as a shook my head as a no. And she continued, quickening the speed at every stroke she made making me groan in pleasure until she stopped.

I look at her as she gave me a long slow lick and teased the tip making me groan, she then placed her mouth into my dick and started bobbing up and down multiple times going faster as I groaned loudly, "a-ah god your so- ngh- good.." I said as she went faster, until I noticed the situation,

quickly pushed her and pinned her into the wall making her eyes widen as I kissed her, with passion and lust at the same time and licked her bottom lip asking for entrance as she let me slip my tongue inside as I traced her thighs at the same time until we let go panting "y/n...there is something I'm wanting to tell you.." I started as she listened closely "I like you..from the first time I saw you, you took my heart and..I couldn't help it." I said as her eyes widened "it's ok if you do-" "I like you to" she said smiling "I always had" this made my so happy I couldn't help myself as I kissed her again.

Third person POV (cause I'm tired af)
Hands tracing down her body until it  reached inside her thighs as the country rubbed it gently still kissing the girl until his hands touched her underwear and started teasing her making her moan into the kiss as the parted for air.

c/a went down sending kisses down her stomach making her squeal in pleasure (I'm using the word pleasure to much whoops) he unhooked her bra and started playing with her breasts and sucking on her nipples making her moan loudly "ah- please..stop teasing! ahhh~" she said making c/a smirk as he looked at her massaging ger breasts "beg.." he said as y/n mewled "please.." "I can't hear you~" he said still smirking "PLEASE! I WANT YOU!" She screamed making c/a chuckle in amusement "your wish is my command"

He then went down between her legs and started licking her underwear slowly until pulling it off gently exposing her clit making her turn pink, he then placed his tongue inside making her moan as she almost reached her climax until he stopped making her groan until she felt sharp pain inside her, c/a loved the sounds she's making as he slowly placed his dick inside her and let her adjust to the size.

He then started thrusting in and out slowly then moving faster making y/n whine and moan getting louder every thrust he made, "god. Your so tight.." he said groaning getting faster until c/a let go cumming above her stomach panting heavily on the floor "you ok?" He asked the shaking girl "I think I won't be able to walk now" she laughed as he helped her stand up.


HAHAHAHAH I HAVE SINNED AAAAAA anyways I'm sorry I was bored and had no motivation so yeah.

Stay safe my squishy marshies 😘💗💖💞❤💕

Highschool AU!countryhumans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now