"I Don't know"

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"Omg you totally like Toni" Veronica said with a smirk. I stared at her and took a deep breath "No I don't she's just....good looking that's all"I said while opening the front door.When I opened the door I saw tons of teenagers everywhere.The party had barely started and looked like it was never going to die out.The smell of alcohol and weed entered my nose which made me a little bit dizzy.  "Hey girls" a voice said.I turned to the sound of the voice and found a tall boy with brown hair.He had a pink button up shirt with some blue shorts and sandals.He also looked really high. "Hey Noah!!" Veronica said while going towards him and hugging him. "Hey how you been". "Great actually I've been in n out of parties" Veronica said while laughing. "Well I hope you enjoy mine" He said before looking toward me. "And who's this beauty?"He asked looking me up and down. "Hi I'm Cheryl" I said trying to not make things awkward. "I'm Noah,nice to meet you.I met Veronica when we were little so we are like literally siblings" he said with a big smile. "Oh that's really cute" I said not knowing what else to say.

"Do you guys want a drink" he asked. "Yes please.Im dying of thirst"Veronica said as we followed him outside to the backyard. "There's beer,sodas,water.... help yourselves.Ill be over there if you guys need me" He said as he pointed toward the pool. "Okay, I'll probably meet you there in a few" Veronica said as she grabbed a beer for herself and one for me.I followed her to a sofa and sat down.Veronica sat on a chair in front of me while handing me the beer bottle.

"Soooo,tell me.Do you like Toni?" She asked with a big smirk. "Umm I don't know" I said with all honesty.She was REALLY good looking but I didn't know if I liked her.I mean I would have to get to know her better. "Oh come on Cheryl,you were literally drooling when you saw her" she said disappointed. "I mea-" "Hey ladies" Someone said behind me.I turned around and was met with a wonderful view.... Toni's abs.I was so close that if I moved one more centimeter I would literally kiss her abs. "Oh I'm sorry" Toni said as she laughed and stepped back.Ronnie was laughing too and I shot her a death stare but she just kept on laughing her damm ass off. "Oh it's fine" I said trying to hide the fact that It was REALLY okay with me.I mean who wouldn't be happy with that view.

"So how are you guys enjoying the party?" Toni asked as she sat besides me on the sofa.I tried to scoot a little bit so she would have more space but she stopped my movements when she grabbed my thigh.I looked at Ronnie with big eyes and she giggled before answering her question."Oh it's pretty cool...I'm going to the pool actually.Come with me and Cheryl?".I stared at her and raised my eyebrows."If you remember,I told you that I didn't have swimsuit on.So no I'm not going" I said with a sharp tone. "Oh come on just get in like that" she said standing up.I stood up and crossed my arms.Letting Toni's hand fall from my thigh.Is this bitch really being serious right now?"If you think I wou-" I got interrupted by a strong push and a giggle and all that came out of me was a scream.I felt the cold water replace the warmth of my body and my clothes become heavy.Omfg I am going to kill Veronica.

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