Kidnapped finale

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It has been three long months since that fateful afternoon when Arnav and Khushi had a intriguing conversation on a rainy day in Arnavs dingy garage.
And now ninety days passed in a blurr.
The two were trying to be friends again. Though Arnav wanted more from Khushi still he respected her decision of being friends for now.

The two were now back to the same comfortable zone from where their life had taken a chaotic turn. And finally Arnav Malik has learnt to trust someone other than himself. The lessons were hard and painful but worthy enough.

Standing at a tea stall close to his house Arnav smiles recalling the pleasant and happy times from the last month. Khushi had begun to blush around him more often. On the pretext of having a playdate with Aarav she had started including him in her activities. Remembering Khushis smiles and accidental touches Arnav blushed slightly.

Who could have thought that the gangleader of Delhi, Arnav Malik would one day fall so hard for the beauty Khushi Gupta. Hiding his joy he wiped the smile from his face and paid the money for his beverage.

With a stern face Arnav was about to mount his royal enfield when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Rolling his eyes he took out his phone. Aarav. His little man always wants him to be around.

Yes Aarav what is....

Arnav Bhaiyya come home quickly!!

The worried tone of Aarav scared him epically. Turning to his cold and monsterous self he questioned him in a harsh no nonsense tone.

What happened? Tell me NOW.

With a hiccup the boy answered in a whisper. But the words that he spoke made Arnav Maliks blood boil with anger. Curses escaped his lips. Clenching his teeth with a growl Arnav mounted the bike but not before warning Aarav.

Stay there with Khushi. LOCK THE DOORS properly. I will be there in 5.

The ride back home from the tea shop normally takes Arnav 6 minutes or so.
But today he reached his place within 4 minutes almost crashing a old man on the way. Leaving his two wheeler at tbe main gate he rushed to the door. Without giving a second glance to his friends who were hovering around the dining table he spotted Khushi sitting in the corner chair.

A primal sound escaped Arnavs lips watching his womans condition. A red eyed Khushi sat hugging her self wrapped in Amans jacket. Black and blue bruises were visible on her wrist and cheeks. Sensing his presence the girl looked up with the most vulnerable and helpless face at Arnav.

Her lips trembled and a fresh set of tears accompanied her sadness. Slowly Khushi stood up from the chair and taking two steps she plastered herself to Arnav. Her form shook badly and she gripped him tightly to her.

Arnav sensed her fears and rubbed her back trying to provide some relief to both of them. But her reactions were not helping him at all. Hence Arnav Malik loosened their embrace and gazed at his beloved with anger,love and curiosity fillef eyes.

Who did this Khushi?!?

Khushi shook her head in denial. Knowing that his girl hated violence he swore but did not let go off the matter. Its now or never. Cupping the balls of her shoulder Arnav spoke in his cruel Malik voice making Khushi shudder in response.

I am not asking you to tell me. I am demanding his name Khushi Gupta. Lets try again. WHO. DID. THIS. TO. YOU?

Shutting her eyes in defeat Khushi gave him the cliffnotes of the incident that took place twenty minutes back in Laxmi Nagar.


Khushi was happily playing hide n seek in Laxmi Nagars park with her neighbors kids. Nothing seemed wrong at first. However after a while in between all the fun and games a group of 4 men surrounded her. Initially she ignored them. But then things escalated pretty badly. The slang language and inappropriate comments made her very uncomfortable. She wanted to leave the park at that moment.

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