Bas..Mere hi Mere Ho!

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Arnav POV

"Please please let me go...I swear I will never eve tease any girl from now on. I just thought that it will be a good thing to play around a bit with the freshers. OOOOUUUUUCH....LEAVE ME ASR....I AM SORRY..."
The good for nothing Ronnie shrieked in pain.

However all the girls standing behind me were feeling much better and even happy watching their creepy senior punished for his deeds. Ronnie now a third year student has always been a bully and today he crossed his limits by disturbing and teasing innocent freshers. When I heard a few girls complaining and even crying feeling hurt by his behavior, I could not stop myself.

"Give him to me ASR I really need to practice for my upcoming boxing match."
NK ordered harshly.

NK aka Nandkishore is my best friend who is also a part of my gang. Yup we are second year students who make sure that nothing bad touches our college. I being the son of this colleges' trustee have a bit of a reputation too. I dont attend any lectures. And now I have achieved the title of 'The Bad Boy of the Institute' our college professors. I am what I am...nobody can change that. This is the one thing that makes me ASR.

"Maybe the guy needs a good hard beating. Why dont I do the honors?"
Akaash asked in his no nonsense tone.

I chuckled staring at Ronnies disheveled state.
"Hmm whom should I gift you to Ronnie?"
My dark tone drove him nuts.

Akaash and NK both are my best buddies. I am not close to my Dad Arvind Raizada who happens to be the head and trustee of this college. He has always been a workaholic with no regard for his only sons emotions. My mom passed away during childbirth. So it has always been just NK and Akaash for me. We are a tight unit. No one can cross us the wrong way. Some people fear us...some adore us and some consider us as the law of Raizada Management Institute.

Out of boredom I finaly pushed Ronnie towards a much eager NK. And then moved away from the crowd. They kept cheering for me till I disappeared to the cafeteria and I sighed in response. So much adoration and love from these people. However there is still an emptiness within me. I wish things were different. But my present is a reflection of my not so good past. My only constant support will be Akaash and NK. And they too wont remain with me forever. I cannot force them to be with me. Someday soon they too will move forward in their lives. On that fateful day I will again be discarded. Like always. Isolated. My darkness will never leave me. Right?

A while later Akaash and NK joined me feeling thrilled after giving that creep a good bashing I am sure. These guys will never change. Neither do I want them to.
"Are you guys done giggling like school girls?"
I taunted.

"Oh come on ASR I know you dont express yourself much...but there is no doubt in my mind that you too enjoyed the show."
Akaash winked.

I simply smirked in response.

We ordered an ice tea pitcher and a platter of sandwiches. Suffice to say NK finished everything in very less time taking some of mine and Akaash's share too.
"This guy can even digest a cow ASR."
Akaash laughed.

I only smiled watching the two argue like kids as usual. I groaned when NKs phone beeped with that horrible Pikachu message tone.
"Woahhh. I just recieved a text from Aisha. She says that we finally have a new Economics professor. Pheww. I thought we wont have one for a few more months."
NK commented.

"Hmmm. Interesting."
Akaash gave me a look.

"Why dont we go and introduce ourselves guys."
I stated with a smirk.

Finally a new professor to tease and create mischief. I mused internally.
"Lets go then ASR. I am looking forward to this."
Akaash declared.

We never attend the lectures but the first meeting with every professor always turns out to be fun.

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