Chapter 4: Detention

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The aroma of bacon was always enough to get me out of bed and ready to start the day. Even after experiencing the horrific terror in that warehouse, it was no different that morning. Rising out of the most uncomfortable chair I have ever slept on, I stretched and made my way towards the bar. Andie Rae was behind the counter, frying bacon. With no one else in sight, it would have been the perfect opportunity to make a dash away from this asylum, but I had to admit that after last night's events, I had become its newest inmate.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, taking a seat at the bar and rubbing my face.

"They're all in the back talking about our next move."

"How's Lilly?

"She's as well as can be expected. The bigger question is—how you are?"

The question hit me like a ton of bricks. I really hadn't taken time to absorb what had happened to Kevin. After almost fifteen years together, he was gone. I put my head down and placed my hands on my forehead as my stomach dropped to my feet.

"I don't know, to be honest. My world was turned upside down once again last night—I mean, I still can't believe Kevin is gone. It just seems like a really bad dream I can't wake up from. I don't know what to think or feel."

Andie Rae reached out to me and cradled my face with her soft hands. It was the touch of someone who seemed to know exactly how I was feeling, but I couldn't understand how. She raised my face so she could see my watering eyes and simply smiled at me.

"I'm so sorry about your friend. He was a really good guy. But right now, all you can do is take care of yourself and keep your head straight, and I think some food should help with that."

I nodded my head in agreement while wiping the tears from my eyes. She turned to the frying pan and removed the last few pieces of bacon. Then, she put the huge platter of perfectly fried pig on the counter next to the rest of the food she'd prepared.

"I'd get as much bacon as you want now because when Bear gets in here, it will all be gone," she said, handing me a plate.

Selecting the crispiest pieces of bacon, I said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"I guess you can."

"How did you ever get mixed up with this mess?"

There was a long silence as she started to put her plate together. I thought I may have just stumbled upon the reason moments earlier because she could relate to how I was feeling.

"I don't really like to talk about that."

"Come on, if anyone could understand, it's me. After all, you just saw what type of night I had. I promise I'll be on my best behavior," I said, crossing my heart with my fingers.

I could see the hesitation on her face. I wasn't sure if it was because she didn't trust me or if she still struggled with whatever she was holding inside. Looking at me, she eventually let out a deep sigh, put her plate down and took a seat at the bar.

"Fine ... I'll tell you. But you promised your best behavior."

I raised my hand quickly and put it over my heart. "I promise."

"Okay. About five years ago my family and my boyfriend, Peter, were out celebrating my parents' anniversary. It was a wonderful evening, filled with laughter, love, and entertainment. Towards the end of the night, I felt sick and asked my family if we could head home before the end of the party. Of course, they all agreed, so we began to walk towards our car, and I remember my mother pointing out how bright the full moon was that night. When we stopped to take a look, we heard their growls. My father and Peter thought they were stray dogs and stood in front of us, shouting at them to leave and throwing rocks at them. When the werewolves attacked, it took them mere seconds to kill both of them. I can remember my mother screaming as my father's blood splattered all over her. When the big one lunged for me and Lilly, Mom shoved us aside, and then, her screams just stopped. I covered Lilly with my body, trying to shield her from what was happening. I lay on top of her crying, praying that this was a bad dream, and I would wake up. I remember feeling the heat of their breath on the back of my neck as they stood over us. That was when my prayers were answered. Hayden appeared and saved us from those monsters. I can still picture sitting up and watching him change back into his human form. I was cold, scared, and in shock. He wouldn't let me see my parents or Peter. Instead, he brought us here, and we've been with him ever since."

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