Chapter 8: The Twins

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Apollo and Luna

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Apollo and Luna

*Let us Begin*

No one was ready for them when they arrived. No one ever was. The Twins. Not many people knew them by their real names. You may be wondering, how these two ethereal corpses arrived in our story, well I'll tell.

Apollo and Luna weren't very fond of the modern society, burning witches and all and decide to go for a little jump. Jump as in time jump, well I suppose it was more of a leap but into the future they went, with a few bird feathers, a cat whisker and the blood of a wendigo. A sprinkling of demon piss and a probably a fair to many curses in latin and off they were. Now problem was, they had no where to go. First ideas come first, and that just so happened to be visit their living coven. But sadly like most covens in then 20th century, it was mostly 9th graders cutting pentagrams into their thighs with pins and whispering the word "satan" under their breath in the bathroom mirror at 2 in the morning. Lucky enough for the twins, they had one living brother. Not blood related I must add, in the sense of genetics. But in the sense of their coven. And that my friends is how they enter our story. Our grumpy, cat loving, nap taking, relationship avoider, Min Yoongi was the very last living member to their coven. And that's how we begin, with a knock knock knock on the manors front door.

Jungkook and Taehyung had just gone to bed, and Jimin and Jin had just arrived home just about 10 minutes earlier. Namjoon and Hoseok were the only two left awake as Yoongi was still recovering from his ritual spells. Hoseok ate his cheerios with left over blood from the dance and Namjoon ate some form of steak, they were speaking lightly on curses and hexing Seokjin with never ending arousal when they heard the loud knock of the door knocker and looked at each other expectantly,
"You're not expecting company are you?" Namjoon asked, Hoseok shook his head quickly and shrugged his shoulders,
"No you?"
Namjoon rolled his eyes,
"Yeah, that's why I asked you." After putting another hunk of meat in his mouth he approached the door and opened it quickly. Being met face to face with the two witches.
"Hi!" They said in unison, startling Namjoon who jumped back and almost choked on the meat in his mouth. Hoseok quickly approached the door, seeing his friend startled and looked at the two people before him.
"Hello... uhm. Are you lost? Could we get you some food, a phone?"
The two shook their heads and Luna opened her book, showing them their address and Min Yoongi's name.
"Does a Min Yoongi live here by any chance?" Apollo asked. Hoseok looked at it closely as Namjoon finally stopped choking and spoke up,
"Depends whose asking."
Luna smiled cheerily and closed her book quickly with a snap, "Brothers and sisters of his coven. From the past, I must fairly say, but of the coven none the less."
Hoseok cocked a brow in curiosity,
"Uh yeah, come right in. I'll go wake him. He's sleeping off some ritual spells is all."
Apollo grabbed Hoseok by the arm fairly scarring him, he looked at him confused before Apollo stuck his hand out with an herb in it.
"This will help the fatigue." Hoseok looked down at it before taking it from him and stepping away from the strange witch who had finally let go of his arm. Hoseok trotted away, down towards Yoongi's room. Leaving Namjoon with the two witches. Luna put her hand out for a hand shake once they were let inside,
"I'm Luna, he's Apollo. I'm sweet, he's salty. I'm social, he's awkward."
Namjoon nodded to Apollo,
"I second that friend." Apollo tore his eyes away from the angel statue in the middle of the ballroom and looked at Namjoon.
"I'm not as bad when I'm alone."
Luna rolled her eyes,
"That's because when you're alone you don't have to talk."
Apollo went to counter but then realised that she was right and nodded his head.
"Fair enough."
Namjoon smiled and removed his gaze from Apollo and turned to Yoongi as he waddled up the stairs, a long black knitted robe draped over him as he looked at the three with half lidded eyes.
"Why the hell did you wake me for two pin poking teenagers."
Apollo went to speak but Luna slapped her hand aggressively over his mouth.
"We are actually, about 56,000 years old. And have jumped from the the year 1692 to avoid being burned alive. Didn't really suit us well."
Yoongi cocked a brow at them as he yawned,
"Prove it hot topic."
Luna scowled and snapped her book open with a snap of her finger,
"Wire trick." Yoongi said unimpressed.
Luna hmphed and rose her hand, her familiar appearing at her feet at the whisper of a simple latin word.
"Hologram." He explained once again. Luna growled irritated and flipped to the back of her book in which she kept her dark spells and skimmed down it before she found her sleeping spell and aimed her finger at Namjoon and yelled "SOMNU!" Namjoon collapsed to the ground limp. Yoongi looked at him, physically unbothered though his eyes were drenched in fear.
"Fair enough," He said his voice calm and steady.
"Dark magic is forbidden in this household. Now please if you may," Yoongi turned to move to the kitchen.
"Fix my boyfriend." Both Luna and Apollo looked at Yoongi in shock,
"Boyfriend?!" Apollo shouted, Yoongi looked at him confused for a moment before it clicked in his head.
"Righhht, 20th century you can marry the same sex. Guys like guys, girls like girls, girls like guys ect. It's a free world kiddos."
Apollo snapped his fingers, waking up Namjoon as Luna was still to star struck. She closed her book as she disbanded her familiar.
"That's... That's fantastic!" Apollo looked at her questioningly before nodding,
"I suppose, people aren't very intriguing though." Yoongi laughed from the kitchen his gummy smile on show.
"I second that!"

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