Chapter 10: Marble Kisses

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Jimin sat by himself upon the marble floor looking up at the angel statue. He pondered for a moment if his mother had looked anything like this angel. Or if rather he ever had a mother. Maybe, and it would be more likely in hell. Maybe he had two father's. Which ever the case Jimin hoped they had been beautiful. Beautiful and strong, confident with their wings spread above their head much like this angel before him. He could often be found here. Sitting cross legged gazing at the beauty of craftsmanship.

And that's why when Hoseok awoke he went straight there. He and the nephilim needed to speak. Sure the monsters of this household had all had sexual interactions with the others from time to time it was just in their nature. Save for Min Yoongi. But the other night at the masquerade had been different. Most certainly more intimate and Hoseok was not letting the interaction sink so quickly.

As he stepped out into the ballroom he spotted Jimin sat delicately in front of his favorite statue. His own wings, much like that of the sculptures, were spread out behind him. Some of the feathers bunched as they pressed to the cold marble. Jimin did not move from his place as the clacking of Hoseok's shoes approached him, he sat almost completely still save for the soft swish of hair that bounced as Hoseok walked by him quickly.


Jimin blinked twice slowly looking to Hoseok with big curious eyes and his plump lips ever so slightly parted in confusion. Still mildly lost in his own thoughts.


Hoseok sat beside Jimin and tucked his own legs into a cross.

"We need to talk about the night we spent together Jimin."

Jimin shook his head and curled in his wings,

"No. You, want to talk about it because the night left you with questions that you want the answers too. The only answer I have for you is to tell you to forget it. It was a good joke while it lasted."

Hoseok cocked a brow,

"Joke?! What joke?"

Jimin scowled at him,

"Obviously the whole, "I can see your wings. Oh Jimmmin your wing are so beautiful blah! Blah! Blah!" It isn't a very good joke hyung and actually quite mean."

As Jimin finished he huffed angrily, a pout pressing out his lips and his arms crossing tightly to his chest. Which in turn caused his wings to flex, his feather fluttering against each other as they shifted.

"I wasn't joking Jimin, I can really see them. And I do find them remarkably beautiful. Is that so hard to believe. Do you forget that before I lived this life, I was an alpha. A first of the vampires. I raised the new bloods, I helped birth our species. If you're looking for a monster with power, here I sit beside you. Beside you and not against you. And if you'll allow it I'll always stand beside you."

He paused as he took Jimin's hand into his own.

"The night of the massqurade was more than just a night of fun for me Jimin. Please, don't run from me."

Jimin looked down at their intertwined hands,

"Promise me I'm beautiful Hoseok hyung?"

Hoseok squeezed his hand delicately as he leaned forward and placed a kiss to Jimin's forehead,

"I'll do more then promise."

He pulled Jimin into a kiss only pulling away for a second to say,

"I'll give you my soul."

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