Chapter 1 the first hunt.

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(Picture of Hayden ) Hayden's POV:

Waking up in the morning, my eyes were forced to adjust to the unusual brightness in the room and the strange settings around me. I'm guessing this guy liked pastel, not that I'm judging.

. It was then I remembered last night and he stranger at the bar... Oops. I wasn't planning on ending up with a hookup tonight, actually that was my last plan, like ever, I went to the bar to drown my sorrows and apparently I did a little extra. Oh well, can't undo the past.

Looking over I saw the 20 year old human man sleeping peacefully. Humans... They have it so easy, no stress, they can just live in their own little bubble and be oblivious to the rest on the world. Mind switching situations buddy?Sighing to myself, I clamber out of bed, rather clumsily if I may add. I wasn't ashamed of my height, I never have been, I rather enjoyed my men being taller than me and being 5'3 that means getting a man taller than you is one of the easiest things to do. Lucky me.

Scanning his room for a pen and paper which I finally found on his white chest of drawers I write him a note...

'Morning Prince Charming ;)

Sorry I had to leave, things to do people to see, you know how it is, last night was fun...

Hope to run into you again soon.

- Hayden xoxo'

After planting the letter where, not even 10 minutes ago, I was asleep, I pulled on my last night clothes and jumped out of his open bedroom window, making sure to land as quietly as possible. Being a werewolf made that a lot easier. Being a small werewolf meant it was as easy as standing up. I knew it would take a while to get home,even when I'm running so I'll damn well take my sweet arse time about it and enjoy the scenery surrounding me, allowing myself to get lost in the lives of humans.

That was exactly what I did, I stopped into the bakers and picked up a sausage roll and then to Starbucks to get a coffee where I couldn't help but flirt with the young gentleman serving me. Who cares if I'm small, my lovers sure don't. Plus, he was hot and smelt of coffee, may I say: great combination.


Eventually I reached the pack home, waltzing in and feeling refreshed from last night.

Being shaken out of my daydreams was something I'll never grow accustomed to, no matter how many times it occurs, especially when I'm shaken out by being slammed up against a cold marble wall. Shit.


My voice sounded strangled, because well that's what it felt like he was doing. I know me doing this hurt him even if he wouldn't show it, I could see in his eyes the way I said his name was like a stab in the chest. Don't worry harry, that stab is happenning to me too.

My hands instinctively went up to his arms trying to push them away. No luck was with me in that moment. I'm not the strongest wolf, I'm a just a Beta and not the top Beta either. However I am one of the fastest wolves in the pack. Due to my size, I'm pretty agile.

"Where'd you get to last night... Fag"

God, he knows I hate it when he uses that word and I know he does to. Me and Harry had secretly dated for about 5 months before I broke it off with him and this... This was his revenge, and don't worry, I deserve this. I made the break up pretty messy.
I would never tell people we dated because I would never mean to hurt him, he means so much to me, even now.

"I was out having fun and making some guys night better" managing to choke out the words I felt him drop me at that. I knew that cut him deep and I couldn't help but flinch when I saw the hurt flicker past his eyes.

Luckily my feet were stable enough to hold me up even if they were weak from his touch.

"The Alpha is hunting with us today, so clear yourself up because you wreak of one night stands" ouch.

And with dropping that bomb shell on little old me- he left.

God it hurts so much that he acts like we never happened I mean, Jesus save me, it hurts so bad. He was the only one of my boyfriends I ever loved... He didn't even know or understand that I broke up with him for his own good.

If he had stayed with me he would of ended up hurt by his friends and family and I couldn't watch him go through that because I was selfish.



I had showered, dressed, changed and dressed again. Though I'm not to sure why I bother putting in so much effort I mean I'm going to be in wolf form and I know my wolf is damn gorgeous. Everyone's said so.

Reaching the rest of the Beta hunting group, my eyes automatically drifted to Harry, but I was a coward and looked away as he began to turn his head toward me, neither of us really listening to the briefing. Though I guess we probably should of been.

"Go a head Hayden, check the perimeter etcetera, you know what to do" the organiser of the hunt had said. Wow, he was great at organising everything. Hint the sarcasm.

Sighing I so wanted to see the alphas human form but I guess no luck there either.

"Can I go too sir?"

Spinning my head round I knew automatically who that voice belonged to... Harry...

Why did he want to come? Maybe he still cares about me, a small pang of hope burst inside of me. What can I say, when it comes to him I'm a sentimental idiot, he was the only one who ever treated me like I meant something... I think that that was one of the things I missed most about Harry.

The way he treated me.

Begrudgingly, I heard the leader sigh and nod in agreement and neither if us needed any more pushing we turned into our wolves, mine being a Snow White one and his a deep chocolate brown one. Then we took off, him following after me.

Ashton POV:

Sighing, I had woken up at 8:00am and had all of my 'alpha duties' done by 10:00am I guess I've gotten faster at them, they use to take me all day but I've been doing them for 7 or so years. It was then I made he decision to go in the hunt with my beta group the evening.

Yawning, I got dressed in tight-ish jeans and a white v-neck which made my muscles stand out, which I appreciated. Casual clothing for today I think. It's time I started to engage more with the other members of the pack.

It'll be good to let my wolf out, I thought to myself. He hadn't been out in what felt like forever, well 2 years anyway, but that's a long time to keep your wolf cooped up when all it wants to do is run free.

Still, for a wolf that's a long and tiring time to fight the urge.

I knew I was late for the hunt so I guessed that they had gone ahead and sent their scouts out.

Reaching what appeared to be the group. The leader, Gerard filled me on what I already had suspected, they sent the scouts ahead, some Hayden and Harry people. God only knows.

I decided I did not want I speak so I let out a small huff just to let him know that that was fine and that I didn't mind. I heard a couple of female Betas whispering and gossiping about me but I concluded that there was no point in me indulging them. And their childish acts.

Watching, I witnessed everyone turn into wolves. None of them were exciting, all quite average actually.

Realisation hit me, they were now waiting on me to turn.

Slowly, I begun to let me wolf out of the cage and have some control, but not to much, I wouldn't let it rule me and my actions.

God this was scary after two years.

Allowing myself to turn into a wolf I heard some Bowles of appreciation and my ears twitched. I was the only black wolf and I towered over the rest of them, the alpha was always bigger and tended to be handsome.

Then we took off running.


I hope this is okay :), sorry if it's to long or short or whatever :)

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