Chapter 4

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Pic of John, you'll meet him in a moment.
Ashton POV:
Reaching out for him it felt like I'd just missed him. Regret welled inside of me. Sighing, knowing there was no point in going after him I turned to my beta.

"Have you managed to get anything out of him?"

The beta, John, didn't answer. Probably for the best. I knew the answer was no, but hearing it- after this already stressful day- would not have helped me keep my anger under control.
Unfortunately another downside to being an alpha is the hormones, the breaks of anger and aggression that are unavoidable, no matter how hard you try. Someone will get hurt. Maybe with words. Maybe physically.

Running my fingers through my wavy hair I tugged on it slightly. Making sure I was straightened up enough to look presentable I allowed my beta to lead towards the hunters cage.

When he sees me and realises what he's in for if he doesn't speak. Who knows, maybe he will be smart and just tell me so I can kill him fast instead of torturing him first. But ya know, they'll do them.

Getting there, I gave my beta a look and he knew to leave. Watching them all go I stepped into the cage and I was not impressed with what I saw. The hunter was...was a WOLF. Since when did wolves start working with hunter. I knew my eyes were glowing red because the wolf winced and tried to get away, submit even. This isn't fair, I swore never to harm another wolf unless it was in combat or I couldn't control myself. Never torture another like you, that makes enemies of the best of us.

Deciding to take a gentler approach, which I'm a bit rusted at, I semi knelt down, my arms resting on my knees.

"My father, the old alpha of this pack used to never agree with hurting another wolf if it could be avoided. Because that makes enemies. And hunters are enemies enough.

However, it seems now that even the wolves have teamed up with the hunter...Mehta is this all coming to" about to get up I hear the young hunter wolf say

"It's not our faults. Really it's not. We are forced to. They take us from our packs when we are pups, we are raised as one of them it's the only thing we know."

"Your wolf instincts should alert you about hunters. What else are they planning? " my voice came across gentle.

"I... All I know, all I over heard were the two words..'lunar eclipse', please. Please don't hurt me, please"

Poor pup, probably didn't understand what he was doing, but what else can I do but kill him. He betrayed his own kind, treason. There are laws, laws that must be upheld. I must protect my pack at all costs. That's what my dad would have done, he would have killed him.

But we aren't our father, we swore we never would be. My inner wolf whined at me. We did swear that. Looking over the scruffy little pup once more I extend my claws and walk to the back of him, they rested on his neck like I was about to kill him but instead I pressed them into his shoulder slightly, marking him as part of my pack. Don't worry wolf, we won't be like him.

Pulling my claws away I looked at the boy. "Now, you will be on probation, a wolf will be watching you at all times, but you are a wolf, and a wolf is loyal to his pack. You will learn our ways. And we will help you. Remember... Wolves shouldn't fight wolves when there are greater enemies about.

And with that I walked out sending in a random wolf to sort him out, making it clear if anyone harms him they'll have me to deal with.
There's a pulling in my chest tying to get me to go and look for my mate but I know what it's like to loose someone, he needs time, time alone to figure it out. I won't force him. I won't pressure him. If he needs time, that's what I will give him and anyway, I have bigger things to look at. Like what are the hunters planning by 'lunar eclipse'.

Walking out of the dungeon, John, my second in command automatically takes my side. He is the only person I have confided in all these years, I knew him since we were pups. Reaching my office I motion him to close the doors.

As he does he turns to me "So what did you decide to do to him? Did he talk?".
Sighing, I wasn't to sure whether he'd agree with my decision. "John, I... I'm not my father. The hunter? Turned out to be a wolf, stolen from his pack at birth. He was raised as a hunter... I can't kill another wolf. Wolves shouldn't be enemies. Not when there are hunters-"

Cutting me off John knew I was avoided the point, I could tell from his face, and he was right I was.

"I'm not asking for his life story Ashton, I'm asking what you decided to do and did he talk?"
"Technically, yes he did talk. I decided to make him part of the pack, teach him what it is really like to be a wolf. And if I have to, teach him myself." Seeing the look of disapproval from John I decided to carry on "I listened to his heartbeat and he was telling the truth, especially when he told me that the only thing he knew about the hunters plans was two words. 'Lunar eclipse'.  So I've messaged some of the elders of the pack and the book keepers to look into everything they can think of of the lunar eclipse and there should be a report, hypothesis and conclusions from each individual within a few days."

I could tell he was more impressed with that and prayed he wouldn't bring up my plan with the youngster. Thank the moon goddess herself because as John opened his mouth Hayden walked in and my heart skipped a beat seeing him there, I knew he was sad and wet from the raining but none of that mattered, he was still a beautiful little pup.
As Hayden walked closer to me I dismissed John and even-though he was moaning the entire time he respected me enough to leave.

Hayden's POV:
Being out in the woods again didn't scare me, it didn't make me nervous or want to run away, but that's probably because my wolf knew that if anything happened to me the alpha would come find me. Me on the other hand wasn't scared because I could handle myself. I wasn't some weakling that needed some big, strong, good looking...I forgot where I was going with this... 

Oh yeah some antisocial alpha to come save me. I've done fine defending myself for this long I can do it a lot longer. I made a point to be strong and fast and not to let my size define me.
I maybe be small darling, but if there's anything I can to its break off a large chunk of wolfsbane wrap it around my fist and shove it so far up your little werewolf ass it will burn your throat.
And as for any hunters, if I see another hunter today I will personally, gorge out their eyes shove them down their throats so they can watch me as I, tear them apart from the inside out!
Damn, I sound violent. Well, shit.

Realising I had been out here for a few hours I began to head back. Back to my life. Back to the alpha, because even if I wasn't ready to be claimed. I'm still a wolf. And when a member of the pack is how I'm feeling, and is the alphas mate the alpha can damn-well pamper me.
Reaching the door to his office I didn't even bother to knock. Walking in I watched him dismiss John, I like John, John is nice to me, despite my size. Watching him leave I gave him a wave and made my way over to Ashton.
"This doesn't mean I'm saying yes, this just means I don't want to be left alone with my thoughts okay?" And before he could protest or say another word I crawled onto his lap and let his wrap his arms around me. Eventhough I can handle myself. I needed this, I needed him. I needed to feel safe and I do. Here. In his arms.
Sorry this took a while. But tahdah this chapter was kind of here so you could get to know Ashton a little more. Don't worry, there is more backstory to him and you will find out more about his family and stuff at a later date :)

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