Chapter 2

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A/n ; sorry for any bad grammar and spelling, I will eventually go round and edit it all 😼
Pic of Ashton.--le alpha.


Haydens POV:

My inner wolf was telling my to go after Harry and have him take me, I think it's safe to say that my inner wolf was... Needy?

Oh god, the memories from our nights together only made me ache more for him. He always knew how to make me feel special, he knew when to cuddle and when I wanted more. Even a few times he would lay out grass and rose petals on my bed so that my wolf would be able to enjoy it more, well not that he didn't enjoy it anyway, because believe me. We both really enjoyed Harry,

Before harry could smell my arousel and question wolf thing me, I pounced at him making his wolf land on its back.

The confusion on his face only made him cuter, as I moved backward I allowed him to gather himself and get up but once he was I was rubbing my coat along his and nuzzling into his neck and under his chin. At first he was tense and tried to move away from me so that I would stop. But I was a persistent little hobbit.

Noticing his body begin to relax, I escalated it to the next level, I began to lick the corner of his mouth making him react with a growl, one that sent shivvers down my spine. Eventhough it was a growl telling me that that was enough. But even more growls followed and I started to get confused.

After a moment I realised his growls was him asking for forgiveness, and for me to take him back. Looking like he does, how could i say no? I know he'd hurt me but it was my fault I had left him with no explanation, I desreved to be hurt.

I had to refrain myself from automatically howling yes to him, god i missed him so much. His touch, the way he held me when the nightmares started, everything about him. But unfortunately he wasnt my mate, he was more of a human love kinda thing.

I hadn't noticed that I'd stopped licking him until I felt his tongue licking the corners of my mouth... ouch!

I yelp his wolf teeth nip at my ear and he knew full way I was never able to resist him when he did that. Gah, such an ass.

Turning to him, I stared deep into his blue eyes and let him know he was forgiven by rubbing my nose gently against his.

Catching the bush russle out of the corner of my eyes I hunched away from Harry's nose and crept behind him. Listening to any other noise that could explain the rustling

We always had this plan where if we were attacked Harry would fight, because he's stronger. I would run back to the pack because I was the fastest, that way neither of us would suffer too much damage.

I hope they aren't hunters.

White wolves are rare (so are pure brown wolves, just not as much).

Bang! A gunshot was fired, just missing our heads. My luck was officially shit and had abandonned my for today.

Wincing I went to run and place our plan into action, Harry, however, stopped me by growling, forcing to search the bushes around me.

In doing so I noticed that all around us was people with guns.

Just as we were about to pounce another bullet was released. Following another.

Closing my eyes I waited for the bullet to colide with me.

Nothing came.

Suddenly, I heard a huge yelp, forcing me to open my eyes I saw that the bullet had hit Harry, he'd taken the bullet for me, and he was dying...

Howles from the others in the hunting group grew closer and the hunters took off. Good.

Sorrow, guilt... you name it it all washed over me like a tidal wave as I remebered about Harry. Turning around I could see that Harry had turned back into his human form. Jesus he was too beautiful to die. He didn't deserve this. I did.

Pelting over to him I barely noticed that the others had shown up.

I wasn't going to turn human right now, I couldn't. Nuzling his face and neck my inner wolf was willing him to get up. pleeding. Please please get up I could feel myself whinning but at the same time I couldn't feel anything at all.

He can't actually be dead. That cant happen...We'd just made up, everything was going to be good but fate however had other plans. Bitch. Rage was beginning to run cold through my viens. If fate was a person I would punch it in the face.

Laying beside and slightly ontop of him I began licking his wound, it was as though this irrational part of me believed that if I cleaned his wound he'd be fine.


Faintly, I noticed everyone changing back into human and my inner wolf screamed mate at me. But right now, I cant deal with that, I need to make Harry wake up. MATE MATE MATE. . God I was a disgrace to myself, how could I be thinking of a mate in a time like this.

My wolf turned it's head slightly and I noticed a man ,taller than the others, one i hadn't seen before. I guess that he was the alpha... and my mate.

Looking away I noticed him begin to walk toward me, feeling his hand rest on my sholder-blade seering pain ripped through my body.

Growling, I noticed him back away as I protected Harry, NO ONE WAS TO TOUCH HIM. I shouted through the pack bond. I didn't care about me or the fact I'd been shot and was bleeding from my shoulder.

Gerard got closer, Harry was like a son to him, so he knew what i was feeling... Kinda.

Watching him wipe his tear away I listenned in to what he was saying to the alpha. Well I guess he's the apha? No Mate. my wolf cries. Wait what?

"Alpha, I know he's your mate but please don't make any rash moves, Harry told me a long time ago that he was bisexual and well... your mate was his lover..."

My mind felt like it had exploded, Harry told him" After all the times I yelled at him for not saying anything... He had.

Crap I felt even worse now.

Everything came pouring at me and I felt dizzy. Noticing the blood coming from my shoulder everything around me went black...

Ashton POV:

Howling from my betas rung through my ears and twisted at my heart. I'm sure the other betas heard it also.

Howling to the rest of the group, I began to charge. My pack was in danger. Your mate is in danger, my wolf hissed.

Picking up my speed, I could feel the other betas hot on my trail. The sound of three gun shots rang through me. Turning the corner I saw my mate, a beautiful white wolf. Yet he appeared to be hunched over another wolf. A low growl began to emit from my throat. Stopping myself I realised now was not the time to be possessive.

Watching my mate licking the dead betas wounds made sadness wash over me. Looking at the dead beta I knew this meant that he must of taken the bullet to save my mate and for that I was thankful.

A while passed and the emotions of sadness grew stronger. It was then it hit me that all this sadness was my packs emotions running through into me. Who was this dead beta?

Turning back to my human self, I felt Gerard turn next to me at the same time. And by the look he was giving this boy I guess that he was precious to him.

Butterflies punched my stomach as my mates eyes drifted over to me. He was now human... And so small... Such a pup.

Gerard's explanation about who the dead beta was fell on death ears as my mate passed out, I noticed blood oozing from his shoulder.

Scooping him up into my arms, I pulled his unconscious body to my chest. Holding him closely.

"Someone burry Harry... We don't want humans finding him then freaking out." I didn't mean to sound cold but that was the sad truth.

Without another glance I walked away back in the direction if our home.

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