Mr. Takami's Secret

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The next day I woke up to the sound of someone arguing so I got dress and when I walk into the front lobby I saw Mutatsu arguing with Shima and Mito so I said "hey what going on here" he said "alright where your father, I'll just take my business with him" Mito said "he isn't here, he went out for a drink with his friends" he look at me and said "you boy, you got some time to talk" before I could answer Shima said "don't involve Taylor into our mess" he said "I wasn't he just seen like a good kid to talk with" I said "it's fine I got some time to talk before I meet up with my friends" he nod and said "alright this won't take long" when he left I heard Mito said "hey Taylor if he say anything about father it isn't true okay" I nod and said "alright" I left and follow Mutatsu to the docks. When we got there he said "how much do you know about that family" I said "I know enough to know that they're a caring family" he laugh and said "sorry I didn't mean to laugh but those girl's father is a greedy business man" I said "how do you know" he said "cause we used to work together till he shift toward the Ohara, leaving me with nothing" I said "how would I be able to meet with him" he said "why would you want to do that" I said "cause I haven't thank him for allow me to stay at the inn" he nod and said "well I guess I can understand but sorry to say he haven't came around in the past month, he's been checking in with Mr. Watanabe" so if I want Mr. Takami I'll have to go after You's father first but something is bothering me so I said "why check in with him" he look around and said "don't let this slip but Mr. Watanabe have been supplying the Takami's and another family with something but I really don't know what it is because Mr. Takami already had me cut before he started the business" I got a text on my phone so I said "sorry I would love to stick around but my friends want to know where I am" he nod and said "alright thanks for listening to me, see you later" after I told him bye I check my phone to see a message from Yukari telling me to meet them at the school rooftop so I pocket my phone and went there. When I got there I saw Muse, Aqours, and my friends so I said "did I miss something" Yusuke said "hey Taylor we got a new target to go after" I said "huh who" You said "can you change my father like you changed Mr. Kamoshida" I said "sure but why do you want your father to change" she said "well I haven't told anyone this since I didn't know what to do but since we figure out you made Kamoshida confess his sins I knew you can make my father change his way" Kanan said "but we want to help you do it" Ann said "to dangerous" Mari said "we don't care how dangerous it is, we want to help our friends" Ann was about to say something when I said "I understand, alright you can help...." Ann said "but Taylor you know how dangerous it is" Fuuka said "I'm sure he know and he's also remember telling you no but what did you do" she said "alright fine" I said "but if you're going in with us then you will listen to me or we'll leave you behind got it" Dia said "don't worry we can take care of our self" I said "no you can't, the fog world is dangerous for anyone who don't have a persona" Umi said "don't worry we're make sure they're listen" I sigh and said "okay fine" Yukine said "so You do you know where you're father is" she said "um I think he's at work on the ferry" I remember Mutatsu saying that Chika's father is using You's father to supply him with something which is also link with Mari's father but before I could think more on this I heard Eli said "hey Taylor you there" I shake my head and said "sorry I was thinking about something" Hanayo said "when do you want to start" I said "hey Yukine what is the best way to get Akechi attention" Yusuke said "why do you want him" Yukine said "um I'm sure he'll probably watch us enter the fog world" I nod and Maki said "why do you want  to see him Taylor" I said "I want them to help us in the fog world" Yukari said "how are you going to get him to help us" I made Alice appear behind me and said "if he don't want another nova blast then he'll help" Umi said "no you can't use that persona" I call off Alice and said "fine we're do this with just us then" Kotori said "when should we enter" I said "tomorrow, it will give me time to prepare my personas" Ann said "wait how can you use so many" I shrug my shoulders and said "I haven't thought about it, I think it was given to me as a gift" Ruby said "a gift" I turn away and said "be ready tomorrow after school if you're going to join us" I was about to walk away when Yukine said "hey Taylor can I ask you something" I said "what is it" she said "where did you find Alice again" I said "after I recover my memory of using her, I went back to the fog world and found her" she nod and said "promise me you won't use her again" I was about to say something when Umi said "I forbid you from using it, we don't know what will happen again" I said "alright I promise" they nod and after we finish talking we went home to get some rest for tomorrow.

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