Chapter Two

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The next day, I woke about around eleven. I started to get ready, then woke Brandy. I fixed us both something to eat while she got ready.

"Why so early?" Brandy whinned, walking into the kitchen.

I shook my head, "Its not that early. Plus, I told Johnny to pick us up on his way."

"Whens he coming?" She asked, as she grabbed a plate.

I looked at my phone as I grabbed my plate, "One thirty. He has to be there by three."

"Why?" She asked as we both sat at the table.

"Soundcheck for them is at three." I told her.

She nodded her head and we quickly ate our food.

Shortly, Johnny pulled up, knocking on our door. He hurried us alonh, as Lacy was waiting in the car. She was dropping all of us off and hanging out at the show for the day. I was pretty excited to go out on this run with them, it surpized me that he asked, cause Johnnys protictive.

We got to the venue and it was after their sound check. We all were sitting around, just talking. Johnny had his bass out and was playing with, that ws, until I stole it from him.

"Hey!" Johnyn yelled, trying to take it back.

I laughed and pushed him back, "I wanna play it."

"I forgot you knew how to play." Matt laughed.

I shook my head and started jaming out to one of their songs on the bass.

"Four strings, no big deal." Zacky laughed.

I glared at him and handed Johnny his bass back.

"I can play guitar too." I said glancing at Syn, then back at Zacky, "Brian taught me."

Johnny gave me a weird look, "When?"

"When I felt like it." Brian answer for me, with an attatuide.

Johnny just glared.

"Can you play?" Zacky asked Brandy.

She nodded her head yes.

I took Syn's guitar he hand in his hands and handed to Brandy, "Play something."

"No, I dont play in front of people." She said shaking her head.

"Ah, come on. I play with you." Zacky said as he got one of his guitars from the rack, "Lets to Bat Coutnry."

Brandy looked at him for a minute.

Zacky gave her the puppy dog look, and she caved as she started playing Bat Country.

"Damn, you girls came jam." Aarin said shaking his head.

I smiled, "Johnny gave me bass lessons when he wasnt bugging you guys. Then it was easier for Syn to teach me guitar."

"How'd you learn?" Aarin asked Brandy.

"Self taught. I watched a few videos or two to help me out on some songs." She told him.

Jason busted in the dressing room door, "Your on in ten minutes!"

"Berry!" I yelled at him.

He stopped and looked at me, "When they hell did you get here?!"

"I been here, all day." I laughed as he hugged me, "You were setting shit up."

He smiled at me, "I see."

We all followed him to the actual, backstage, behind everything set up.

Brandy stood next to me, while everyone was gearing up. Shadows walked off into a corner, doing vocal warm ups. Syn and Zacky messed with their guitars and Johnny was talking to Lacy.

"I swear, the way he looks at you." Brandy pointed out, "Its like there is something there."

I glared at her, "Is not."

She shrugged her shoulders, "Whatever you say."

"But, you flirting with Zacky." Teased her, "Doing whatever he asks."

She pushed me, "Im not."

"You so are. Your googoo for Zacky." I laughed.

Her face turned red.

"Ha! Im right." I smirked.

She flipped me off.

"Right about what?" Johnny said walking up to me.

I smiled at Brandy, then looked at my brother, "She has a crush."

"Ohh, I wanna know who. Tell me tell me!" Johnny begged.

"No!" Brandy yelled.

I laughed, "Dont say nothing, Johnny."

"I wont I swear. My sister and I have a special bound." Johnny smiled.

Brandy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Fine."

"She has a thing for Zacky." I told him.

Johnny's eyes got wide, "Really? You know, he recently got divorced?"

"Really? I didnt know that." I said looking past Johnny at Zacky.

He was looking at us.

"I can hook you two up if you like," Johnny told Brandy as he took a drink from his beer, "Its up to you."

She just shook her head as her face got red.

"Do." I told Johnny.

She grabbed Johnnys arm, "No dont. If you dont, I'll tell you who your sister is crushing on."

"Brandy!" I yelled at her, "You cant tell my brother!"

Johnny glared at me, "Oh yes she can."

Just before Brandy could say anything, Syn and Zacky walked up to us.

"Whats going on ladies?" Syn said looking at both of us, then Johnny.

Zacky propped his arm on Johnnys shoulder, "Such the perfect size."

"Shut up." Johnny growled.

Brandy glared at me and I just smiled.

"Zacky, a word?" Johnyn said pulling him to the side as they made their way toward Matt.

Syn watched them, walk away, then looked at me, "So excited to hang out with us again?"

I nodded my head.

"Just like old times." Syn laughed as he lightly pushed me, "Ah, the good days."

"Yea Cyndy, just like old time." Brandy smirked at me.

I shook my head no.

"You herd stories?" Syn asked her.

She nodded her head, "Oh lots of stories."

Syns eyes got wide as he looked at me.

Brandy started to say something else, but Jason called Syn over to talk on stage.

"You little shit." I said pushing her as we followed behind the boys.

She pushed me back, "You started it."

We walked up and were standing with Matt and Jason Berry, behind the Avenged boys. Zacky looked back at us and smirked. I saw Brandy's face get red. I laughed at her, then looked at Syn. He was looking at me, right in the eye. He knew I told her about our past, but I think he was scared she would tell Johnny, which wouldnt be good.

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