Chapter Ninteen

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*Cyndy's point of view.*

Zacky came storming into the room and went striaght to the balcony, shuting the slide door. I looked at Syn and he looked at me. Shortly, a crying Brandy came threw the door into the room, then in the bathroom.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Syn.

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed a beer, then laid back down on the bed.

I shook my head, "Are you not going to go try and find out?"

He shook his head no.

"Fine. I will." I growled as I got up and made my way to the balcony where Zacky was at.

"Im not up for talking Syn." Zacky said aggervated as he kept his gaze out at the city.

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Im not Syn, but you are going to talk."

He glared at me, then looked back at the city, "What am I suppose to say?"

"What happened to start with." I said looking over the edge of the balcony.

He sighed and sat on one of the chairs that were out there, "She went threw my phone just because she thought I was sexting Meghan or something."

I shook my head, "I told her not to straight up say that."

"You knew about this?" Zacky yelled at me.

I nodded my head, "Yes, but I didnt tell her to snoop in your phone. Hell I didntnt know till she told me about it today."

"That was dumb of her." He growled.

"Hey," I snapped at him, "Shes just worried about you. You were stuck in your phone all night last night."

He shrugged his shoulders, "So? I explained to her why I was talking to Meghan."

"And your just pissed at her for going threw your phone?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, "Yea. I mean, I do feel bad for talking to her, I feel guitly, but I didnt do anything wrong. I was just helpping her."

"I know what you mean. But if I was Brandy and Syn started talking to Michelle out of no where, I would of broke his phone." I confessed.

He looked at me shocked, "Really? Over something that dumb?"

I nodded my head, "Us two, we are the jeoulse of people. I know I love Syn. Yea, I said it. I love him, im not falling for him, I already love him, more then anything, and I dont want to loose him. At all."

"Wow." Zacky said shaking his head, "You think she feels the same?"

"One way to find out." I said as I got up and opened the door, "Ask."

He nodded his head and both of us went back into the hotel room.

Syn was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of Brandy, calming her down and talking to her.

"Can we go on the balcony and talk?" Zacky asked her.

She looked at Syn and he nodded his head pushing her toward Zacky.

The two of them went out on the balcony and talked.

"What did you say to her?" I asked Syn as I sat across his lap as he sat against the head borard of the bed.

He laughed, "I told her Zacky was a piece of shit, but he cant stand when girls are upset and will help and talk to anyone."

I lightly smacked him, "Your an ass."

"What did you say to Zacky?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulers, "I have no idea, I ranbled on about something."

"You liar." He laughed

I smiled at him and kissed him, "I told him I loved you."

"Really?" He smirked at me.

I nodded my head, "I also told him, us girls, are pysco crazy jeoulse bitches and dont control our actions."

"Oh really?!" Syn laughed.

I nodded my head against and laughed, kissing him again.

"Oh look!" Syn said pointing at the balcony.

I looked and Zacky kissed Brandy, holding her tight.

"Awe." I said looking at them and resting my head on Syn's shoulder.

They sat on the comfy bench and cuddled together.

"I feel like a proud partent." Syn laughed.

I looked at him funny and shook my head, "What I do?"

I kissed him and pushed him down on the bed.

"Oh what are you? An animal?" He laughed.

I growled, then hawled, "You best believe it." He laughed and pulled me next to him, kissing me.

"I love you Brian Elwin Haner Jr." I told him as he held me close to him.

He smirked and kissed my nose, "I love you too, animal."

I laughed and laid on his chest as he ran his hand threw my hair, making me fall asleep.

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