Chapter Tweleve

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*Cyndy POV*

The next day we were in Florida. We had finished up sound check and we're now waiting for the show. Syn seamed kind of off and kept to himself cause he started Zacky and Brandys fight. I told him it was fine, that it caused them to be closer and actually together now, but it still bugged him.

"Brian." I said sitting next to him and grabbing his hand, "what is so wrong?"

He looked at me with sad eyes, "it's not about Brandy and Zacky, it never was."

"Tell me." I begged him.

He let go of my hand and rubbed his face, "I'm trying to get to that point in telling you, it's just hard. I'm not all for being emotional around people."

I kissed his cheek, "take you time, I won't mind waiting till your ready to talk, as long as you do."

He smiled at me and kissed me, "this is why I like you so much."

I smiled back at him and laid my head on his shoulder.

He placed his hand on my leg and I played with his fingers.

Shadz came in the green room and sat on the couch across from us, "what are you doing Gates?"

He looked at Shadz, then down at our hands, "nothing."

"What's going on?" Shadz asked me.

I laughed, "we're dating now, but shh, Johnny doesn't know."

Shadz shook his head, "that's crazy, but congrats guys."

"Thanks." Syn and I both said.

"Are you getting to get shit face drunk!?" Johnny yelled busting in the room with Zacky and Brandy behind him.

I quickly jumped away from Syn and starred at the ground.

"Sis, you okay?" Johnny asked me.

I looked at Syn and he was looking at me, then dropped his gaze to the floor. I looked up at Johnny and smiled, "Im fine."

He shot me a glare, then looked at Syn for a long minute.

"Hey!" I yelled snatching his shoulder and pulling him next to me, "How does  your arm feel?"

"Better." He smiled, "Are you sure your okay?"

I nodded my head.

Johnny looked at Syn, "He didnt do anything to you, did he?"

Syn glared at him.

"No!" I yelled slapping Johnny lightly, "Of course not."

"Good. Better not have done anything." Johnny said as he got up, "Im going to go find Jason."

I watched him walk out of the room.

Zacky and Brandy looked at me worried.

"What?" I asked them.

Zacky shook his head, "I think he knows something is up."

"Syn." I said reaching for him, "Come here."

Syn looked at me, then stood up, "Im going to go get a drink."

I growled to myself as he walked out the door.

After the show, Brandy and I went straight to the bar while the guys showered. I ordered us both a drink and we started talking.

"Dont you want to take  a shower?" Brandy asked me laughing.

I nodded my head, "I do. I will when they come down here. How offtend do we get to ourselves?"

"True." Brandy laughed as she took a drink, "Whats up with Gates?"

"Syn? God, I dont know. I was on the edge of getting him to ge emotional with me. Tell me how he feels, but then Matt came in, so he got quiet, then Johnny came in and he just snapped." I explained.

She nodded her head, "Zacky told me we were going to take babysteps and enjoy a relationship, not rush into anything serious just yet."

"Thats good. Im sorry about Syn telling you all that and starting a problem." I appoligized.

"No, its fine." She said, "It made us better."

"I know." I said looking at the table.

She tossed a piece of ice at me.

I glared at her.

"Dont be so down!" She yelled at me.

"Yea, dont be down." Zacky said walking into the bar and standing next to Brandy.

I stuck my tongue out at Zacky and he did the same, then kissed Brandy.

I looked toward the door and Syn was making his way in.  

"I guess, im going to go take a shower now." I sighed as I got up.

"Where are you going?" Syn asked me.

I looked up at him and put a smile on my face, "Shower."

"Ah! We should have saved water and showered together." He laughed.

I looked at him weird then went up to our room.

When I got out of the shower, Syn was sitting in the floor against the bed, with his hands on his face. He herd me come out and glaced up at me. His face was stained with tears. He buired his face back in his hands.

I sat on the floor against the wall in front of him, "Brian."

"Cyndy, I dont know what to do. I feel like my mind is shot." He said on the edge of tears.

I grabbed his hands and scooted close to him, "Whats so wrong?"

He shook his head no and cried.

I pulled him into and hug, letting him cry on my shoulder as I petted his head.

"What ever is wrong, it will be okay, you can do it." I said comfering him.

He looked at me and shook his head no, "It wont. He gone."

Now I knew what was bothering him. It was Jimmy. He was stuck in the mood when he relized Jimmy is realyl gone. I knew he got this way from time to time, from what I've herd, but never knew he got his bad. I also knew Johnny use to get like this.

He laid in my lap and hugged onto my leg.

"Brian, its going to be okay." I said running my hand threw his hair, "I promise, its going to hurt. It always will, but you cant let it get to you, it makes it worse."

"He was my best friend." He cried.

I shook my head, "I know he was. He still is, but its been six years Brian."

"Im sorry." He blurted out.

I looked at him funny, "For what?"

"Coming off so mean randomly." He confessed, "I get in the moods to where im pissed about small things and it comes together so much bigger then it seams."

"Brian." I said stunned, "Your opening up to me. Being emotional."

He barley turned to look up at me, "I am, arent I?"

I smiled and nodded my head.

"We need to tell Johnny." He said as he laid his head back down, starring at the bed.

"Not yet." I begged, "Not yet."

Syn didnt say anything, jsut stayed quiet.

"Go lay on the bed, rest." I told him.

He stood up and walked to the bed, pulling me with him. I sat down and he laid back on my lap.

"I promise, we will tell him soon." I said.

Syn sighed, "play with my hair, it helps me fall asleep."

And thats just what I did, but shortly after he fell asleep, Johnny came in the door. I didnt know what to do.

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