Oneshot- goodbye. Sesshomaru x reader

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I love them all, I really do. Ever since I fell down into this universe, this time line, I never expected to find friends and sesshomaru. My life used to be a wasteland, stuck in a earth that ruined itself by deleting it's resources and once the world leaders found a new source of powers, everything became shit. They forced me into war, they forced me to kill thousands of humans, aliens, and anyone who opposed them. Once they found I could harvest the spiritual energy in the cosmos, I was stuck in a colorless life as I was caged to sing for them.

I lost everything, but found a new purpose once a small girl was brought into the program. Apparently she was able to use the energy to move matter. My powers formed wings as a staff i used to conduct my powers as my voice would ring. However, once my little girl, Venus, suddenly lost her abilities she was killed. I cried for day and sang a song of death to form a black hole as the sun grew closer to the earth. Through my fit of rage I killed everything in my solar system, only to start it anew. I was left in the vast endlessness of space, watching the combustion of life taking form. That's when I was greeted by a voice. They told me to it was tragic to see what I've been through, saying I was meant to be so much more than a source for the humans. They told they would make my pain ease away, but I would fade away if I chose to stay there.

Death seemed to be a fine idea at time, and I was allowed one wish before I would die.

That where we are today. I was stuck as a human without the ability of what I had before, all I could do now was sing to control the elements.

However, here I am watching this lush, green, blue, colorful, world slowly decades from the monsters which followed me here. Here I am, faced with my internal sadness that demanded what was owned, it demanded for my death. In order to be human, I had to extract my powers, along with my curse I used to create the song. This curse was made to kill me.

Sesshomaru, my love, was desperately trying to kill off my other self. Inuyasha, a brother to me, was helping sesshomaru. Kagome, Sango, miroku, even little shippo, everyone who I became friends with, were desperately trying to keep me alive. But I knew what would happen if my curse didn't return to me. I knew it would destroy this world I grew to love so much.

I stepped forward, ignoring the blood bleeding out from my arm which was cut off, and the glass shards and claw marks that dripped black from the poison flowing in me, ignored it all.

"I won't lose them...I won't..." I spoke spoke softly, bring my dagger up to my chest. " Not again..."

"(Name)?" Sesshomaru looked over to me, everyone seemed to stop. The minions of my curse and my other self paused, looking at me, before circling around me to create a barrier.

"(Name)! Get back here, it's not safe!" Sesshomaru pounded against the clear wall just as everyone else was.

I looked back one last time, cried one tear, and smiled. I would save them this time.

"If this is my fate, I wish...." I looked up to see the sky change unto constellations I never appreciated. " I save my happiness! To destroy all pain and offer this reality a new life! To offer prayers to be heard! " 

Everyone looked at me, confused by my words. They never knew what I was, I kept it that way.

"I renounce my humanity.." I looked down to see my curse smiling ear to ear. A loud siren of crystals cracking filled the air around me.

"Goddess (Name). Do you realize you will never have this life again?" The voice from before spoke, caressing my fragile frame in their hands of light.


"Is this truly your wish? To rewrite the laws? To offer a prayer to be honored of those of the innocents?"


"...then you have chose correctly my child."

The dagger plunged into my chest as the light faded around me.

"(Name)!" Out of all the screams who called my name, I heard Sesshomaru from all of them.

"Goodbye, my love.." I felt the energy of the universe flood into my veins, burning away the flesh and bones. My original body with massive wings of white light forged out of my spine, my hair reached passed my feels to flow behind me, as my dress of white thinly covered my body while my eyes glowed far brighter than any star.

"...death...death...a wish of destruction. .pay the price." My curse walked forward, as I opened my arms.

"I won't run away, I don't want to be sad anymore," the curse stopped, then flung itself into my arms.

I felt my blood run cold, my bones crack, and everything become still for a moment as my vision slips into fragments.

"Sleep now my child, in the depths of limbo until you are awaken again." The voice called out, placed my broke form into his hands as I felt my body become enclosed into a warm embrace as the pieces began to stitch itself together.

Blue skylines field my dreams, as I sat in the sun on a green hill with the wind blowing. It seems my dreams will be peaceful, maybe he'll find me. Or maybe once I feel my depression slip away, I too can slip away.

———————5 years later————-Sesshomaru pov

I saw her laid on a stone bed with feathers beneath her back as her wings covered his form. I've been searching for her for 5 years straight. Now I finally found her, I just need to know how to wake her up. As I walked over, noticing the water covering the stone floor as the sunlight  hitting off her body, I knew I never stopped loving her.

I took her limp form into my arms and walked back to the land of the living.

————your pov

I felt a drops of water fall over my cheek, and the sky in my dreams suddenly became too bright.

I opened my eyes to see everyone staring right back at me. Sesshomaru was watching me intently, I smiled and said " you found me.."

 (Editing) Humans are strange creatures (Sesshomaru x reader ) inuyasha oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now