Chapter 36

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"Jacob!" I screamed. He ran over to me and picked me up then put me directly to his chest, holding me tightly. Pain shot through my head like needles as I kept my eyes shut.

"It hurts!" I screamed. He took my head in his big hands and started to rub my temple. It relaxed me, the pain slowly starting to fade.

"I'm here. I'm sorry. I forgot about it." he said in a hushed tone.

"I'm so sick of this." I yawned.

"Sick of what?"

"Jacob I'm starting to get tired all of the time." My eyes lazily blinked as he continued to rub the sides of my head.

"How much sleep have you gotten in the past couple of days?"

"More than I'm supposed to. When I was in the hospital with Aaron, I would fall asleep for hours at a time." I yawned once more.

"I just apologized to him while I was gone. His parents were there to. They haven't decided about the whole law suit thing, but they looked as if they weren't going to do it. Let's go get some rest, we will skip taking a bath." He sighed and stood up. My cold fingers grasped onto his warm ones as he pulled me up. We threw the pillows off the bed and unmade it.

"I'm not going to see a doctor until after the tour." I mumbled as I climbed into bed. Jacob wrapped an arm around me as I slouched into my pillow. After a couple of minutes I had fallen asleep once again.


"If you kill that fish I swear to god Caleb." I hugged my dumb ass of a brother for one last time. Me and Jacob were moments away from getting into the escalade to start traveling.

Everyone has forgiven Jacob for his outburst so that's why everyone was here.

Except Nash.

I haven't heard from him in since that Friday night and I'm afraid he will never forgive me. I sighed as I hugged Jack G.

"Take care and keep in contact with all of us. It's gonna be hard not seeing you until next month.

"I will be counting down the days." I giggled. I let go of his hug and went to hug Mahogany.

"I can't believe your leaving me. As soon as we get back it's called a shopping spree for back to school."

"Will do LOX."

Turns out all of them went to school with me, but I didn't realize it. Both Jacks aren't at our school though. They do plan to move closer to here and enroll into our high school.

After saying our goodbyes to everyone we had put our stuff into the escalade. Jacob opened the door for we and I got inside. He then followed my actions and got in as well.

"I'm tired." I sighed.

"Then get some rest. It's about a 2 hour ride to San Diego." He opened up his arms so that I could fall asleep in them.


I woke up while we were still driving, it being dark now. I looked up at Jacob, his eyes staring down at me heavily. He looked as if he was going to fall asleep any second.

"Go to bed." I said in a groggy voice.

"No I'm wide awake. You need to sleep." He dozed off for a quick second. I sat up right and then brought his head down to my lap where he could rest comfortably. It did take long before he did fall asleep, so I just looked out the window and watched us pass the buildings. When the car had stopped in front of the hotel we were staying in I woke up Jacob.

"Reservations for Whitesides." Jacob said sleepily to the lady at the front desk. She typed away at her computer and then handed us a key for our room. We grabbed our bags and made our way to the elevator. The ride up was silent so I had decided to speak up.

"Are you really tired?" I asked.

"It's not as bad as it was a half hour ago. Why?" he turned to me.

"Well we both need a shower so I thought we could do that before we go to bed." I blushed lightly.

"I would love that." He grabbed my hand. We arrived to the top floor and then we got into our room. It was as big as the last one we had, just set up differently.

"I will go run the shower. Unpack for me please." Jacob kissed me and I rolled my eyes. I hated unpacking and he new it.

Once I was finished unpacking I walked into the bathroom where Jacob already stood naked. I always felt so nervous when I revealed myself to him but I didn't let it show. I stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. Jacob followed behind me closely slapping my butt making me jump. I had my hair run under the shower getting it wet, then I moved so Jacob could do the same.

"Let me wash your hair. I love your hair." Jacob playfully said. I turned around and put all my hair behind me. Jacob grabbed the shampoo and slowly applied it to all of my hair. He basically gave me a head massage, scrubbing my scalp slowly and thoroughly. When he used the conditioner he took his time, playing with the ends of my hair. Once I washed it out Jacob grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. He began to kiss me slowly but I pulled away.

"I'm losing energy tonight." I sighed.

"That's okay baby. Let's just finish up in here." He kissed me once more. I could see the worry in his eyes, but I hid mine well. Jacob washed his hair and his body along with my body. We got out and quickly dried off. As soon as I had my pajamas on I went out of the bathroom and to the bed. I fell asleep right away.


Hmmmmmmmm hi guys....

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Love you guys.

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