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Rainbow Dash's p.o.v.

After Twilight fell, it was all chaos. Pinkie, Aj, and Rarity, screamed, “TWILIGHT!!!!!". I rushed forward and picked up Twilight's head. It was dead weight.

“Let's take her to Fluttershy's cottage till a doctor comes" yelled Pinkie.

“Yeah, she's got all that doctor stuff." Aj said. We started to pick up Twilight when Rarity said,

“Wait, let me see if I can do this." Then she motioned to everyone to stand by her. Once everyone was there, her horn started to glow, and in a blue flash we were at Fluttershy's cottage.

“Rarity! I didn't know you could teleport!" said Pinkie in awe.

“Long story, now Rainbow, your the fastest, if this doesn't work, fly to the doctor as fast as you can." said Rarity pointing to the door. I crouched down, wings extended.

“Are you sure Rarity?" whispered Fluttershy. “Is this really safe? What if it doesn't work? What if-"

“Do you want Twilight to get better or not!" yelled Rarity, glaring at Fluttershy. Fluttershy crouched back and whimpered.

“Sorry dear, that I snapped at you, I just want to help Twilight." sympathized Rarity.

“That's ok Rarity, just help Twilight."  whispered Fluttershy standing up now.

“Ok." said Rarity. We all gathered around Twilight. I was next to Pinkie Pie and Aj, Across from Rarity and Fluttershy. Twilight was a heep on the wooden floor. Rarity's horn started glowing blue. All are faces were glowing with a hazy blue, in the dimly lit cabin. Rarity's horn staryed to glow brighter and brighter and Twilight started to get a blue haze around her. Then Rarity lowered her horn to Twilight's forehead. Rarity's horn stopped glowing but Twilight was still had a blue haze. Then Twilight gasped. Her haze disappeared. We all sighed in relief.

Twilight got up and coughed. Then she said blearilly,

“What happened?" she looked around at everyone. Then Fluttershy burst in,

“Rarity saved you!" said Fluttershy, rushing to Twilight's side as she staggered, and fell to the ground. Twilight's head wobbled around and I could almost imagine the little birds flying around her head.

“Rarity..." then Twilight looked at Rarity.“...saved me?" Rarity blushed. Everyone murmured in agreement.

“Oh, it was nothing!" said Rarity, still blushing. 

“And she also TELEPORTED! said Pinkie Pie throwing her hooves up. Rarity was blushing furiously now. Now Twilight was on her hooves.

“Rarity how did you-" Twilight started. Aj stepped in.

“We have a bigger matter at hand Twilight." said Aj.

“Yah, I guess so." She looked down a bit then brought her head back up, determination shined in her eyes.

“First, Spike, we should send a letter to the princess, letting her know what happend." Spike took out a paper and pen. “Got it." and with that he started writing. She motioned to me and everypony else.

“Now, with Rarity's help," she motioned to Rarity “We should be able to teleport everypony safely to the library to do some studying." We all groaned.


I had to interrupt.

“Twilight?!? Why are we studying! An evil thingamabober just came out of a gaping black green-ish hole!'' When I finished, Twilight got that no-it-all look in her eyes and said,

“To find out just what that thingamabober is." and with that it was settled.

“But, Twilight dear, I got everypony hear easily," Rarity frowned at Twilight, “You must be awfully tired, let me handle it" said Rarity. A look of relief and something else flashed in Twilight's eyes as she slumped against Fluttershy.

What else could Rarity be hiding? What was that other emotion in Twilight's eyes?

I was still thinking as Rarity's horn glowed a bright baby blue and in a flash we were in the library. Immediately Twilight used her horn to start picking up books and piling them beside her.

Ugh studying.

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