Satan's pitchfork.

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Ahh the sweet sound of lunch bell , music to my ears .

“Alright class, on Wednesday  I want you all to get ready for a small test on chapter nine ”. Mr.Bentley said.

While packing my things, I hear the  dreaded words tumble out of his mouth that no student ever wants to hear, unless the student is a genius in which I am completely not.

“Miss Lowell I want you to stay here a little longer with me”.

Sighing inaudibly, I went over to his table while wondering what will the verdict be.

Maybe he is going to give me detention for realizing that I was the one that put the food coloring on his coffee yesterday that made his teeth dark brown yesterday and today …….. Naaaaaa I was very cautious for it to happen or Mr.Bentley is going to talk about .

“Miss Lowell I would like to talk about your previous weeks test papers and I am sorry to say that you had the failed last weeks test and the ones before were below average in a way that you were barely scraping by” he sympathetically said .

“I think it will be best if you start now itself to get some help for chemistry I have written down some names that are one of my best students for you to ask , it will be a great way for you. Please do consider it or you won't be going able to go for the state swimming championship”.

Okay that last part caught my attention . I can't go to to the championship just because I can't pass chemistry , I mean it's not like I am gonna be using it in real life . Am I ever gonna use acids and bases while cooking 'if I can that is!‘ or when I am…. just doing something else ,am I ever going to gonna use chemistry . Maybe it's use is for ultimate pranks… ya that's the sole reason in my life that chemistry exists.

“But Mr.Bentley just please don't take away the only sports I know how to play without tripping over my own two legs “.I begged. Literally, I was even holding my hands together for more persuasion .

“You know it's not too late . Wait .. here the names . Just go ahead and ask them “.He said while handing me over the names that was in the sticky note .

“I will check it out ,thank you sir. By the way did you found out who did that to you”.I asked while pointing my finger at his brown teeth.

“No ,but I will find that troublemaker and I'll make sure that he/she is under detention for two weeks”.He angrily replied.

“Well then good luck to you sir “

I happily replied .see I was careful even though I was a total klutz.


“Argh, today their serving chocolate milk .”Disgust filling me inside .I mean I love chocolate and all since its my personal Greek god but I just hate the taste of chocolate milk . I plopped onto our table near the glass window that showcases our schools beautiful sports field.

“Will did you got the g-sensors and the waterproof leather,I think it would be best if we use the 36mRH battery” Belle said as she sat onto the chair next to Will and Sneha.

“And the Geeky mode is back on, woohoo”. Sneha sarcastically said.

Belle rolled her eyes at her . “you do know that this for our benefits for  swimming , Right”.

“Ya,ya,ya.”then as if she had a sudden  thought (which was very dangerous for human kind) . She whipped her head and her ponytail knocked off my burger out of my hand and it had fallen on the depths of hell (told you she was ruthless) “You are still teaching trigonometry ?

“Duh ,with food payment of course”belle replied happily

Prank hit list;
Aiden & Blake
Sneha & Sneha

It looks like she is in the prank hit list two times.

Out of anger and hunger I snatched her burger from a tray and started eating ,that's when I tasted the yucky thing . I hold out the pickle in my hand and showed it to her face and politely asked “why do you have pickles on your burger, don't you know that it kills your taste buds”at least that's what it does to me .

“Well as a matter of fact I … wait why are you eating my burger “ she looked at me as if I was eating hers and Blake's first child ( even though she doesn't know it yet I still ship Snake, creative isn't it)

“How could you say that I took your burger since I was hungry as you thought it would be funny to shoot my burger with your hair” I replied innocently. “Oh and by the way love what you did with the hair yellow and red suits you perfectly”i said as I kissed my fingers and did what the French did when they loved something for dramatic Flair.

He eyes widening as if I again told her that the witch would also take hers and Blake's first grandchild too .

“oh gobar(shit)” she cursed at … I don't know . Then she ran towards the girls bathroom stall to wash her hair ..I guess.

“Hey, where are the guys ?”I questioned Belle.

“oh they , I don't know I guess I heard them talking to coach if Pete's younger brother who's a freshman ,can join for swimming practice so Jeremy tagged along too”she answered .”wait I heard that you are training , aren't you ?So who's your partner ”she inquired .

“Ya , unfortunately I am”. I mumbled grumbly “And to add more to the suffering Coach joined me up with my enemy, can you believe that “.

She gazed sympathetically at me

I continued to eat my burger as lunch was soon over .


The last four classes went by a blur as I was mostly just scribbling and doodling over the last page of the book .

Going up to my locker.I kept all of my books inside and took the ones that is necessary  in which I have no idea which is.

Closing my locker door with a  bang

As the locker was too darn rusty.

That's when I remembered that the sticky note is still stuck on my arm under the long sleeve of my top.
i was just to lazy too stick it on the books plus even if I did stick it on the book I will probably not remember as you can see I have worst memory possible out there

Plucking it off , I read the ‘amazing’ names of ‘Mr.Bentley’s most prized students' as I would like to call them.

Ruth brown
Winston miler
Taylor Smith
Christopher Mathew

Huh never noticed that he was in my class .

Oh please, I will go back to hell and back again if I was ever going to ask his help .


the sound that was once heaven to me ,was now Satan's pitchfork as I got ready and marched on to the swimming pool as I was ready to be drowned by a couple of freshmen.



Hey fellow readers I hope this chapter was enough . I hope you guys like it . And Sneha's language is Hindi just to make it clear ,so is there any fellow Indians out there then .

Bye , bye then see you in the next chapter.

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