Chapter 3

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Jason didn’t raise the subject again and the days passed without many incidents. Days turned to weeks and Julie started to relax. Derek was in a better mood than he had been in a long time, and she was grateful for it. Over the years, they’d had some good times amidst the bad, and when those good times came along, Julie let herself hope things would be better. She’d learned her lesson by now, though, and instead of entertaining that false hope, she chose to see Derek’s mood for what it was – a breather. A time for her to recuperate.

“Julie!” Derek called out from the living room one Saturday when she was doing laundry. Julie turned the machine on and walked into the living room.


“We’re going dancing tonight,” he proclaimed. “Why don’t you get yourself all dolled up and we’ll paint the town, eh?”

“Yeah, all right,” Julie said and headed back into the laundry room/bathroom. Since Derek had given her the go-ahead, Julie fixed her hair so that it fell in soft curls around her face, put on a coat of mascara and a touch of lip gloss. She found an old cotton dress with a floral print in her closet and put it on. When she was finished, she looked young and fresh. Surely, Derek would be happy with her now.

Julie sipped her beer, standing in a corner of the bar, watching the dance floor. Derek was in excellent form tonight, dancing with every girl around. Except for her.

“May I have this dance?” a raspy voice drawled beside her and Julie looked over to see Jason’s outstretched hand.

“I’m not a good dancer,” Julie warned.

“It’s a slow song,” Jason said and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the dance floor. “Just follow my lead.”

“I really don’t…” Julie started to object, but found herself standing in Jason’s arms. His right hand went to the small of her back, and his left held her right. His hands were warm against her skin, but he wasn’t the one sweating.

“You should give yourself more credit,” he said, making Julie look up at him. “You’re not a bad dancer. I don’t know why Derek would choose to dance with anyone else.”

Julie averted her eyes. She was finding it much too intense looking into his eyes as they danced so close.

”I wanted to thank you,” Jason said after awhile and Julie looked up at him, puzzled. “For inviting me into your home,” he clarified.

“Oh… well, you’re family,” Julie said and smiled. Also, she hadn’t exactly had a say in the matter.

“And I’m sorry if my presence has made it difficult for you.”

“Really, Jason, I can handle an extra set of bed linens come laundry day,” she shook her head, smiling.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Well, I…” Julie started, glancing around the room to see where Derek was, frowning when she couldn’t see him. “Excuse me, I…” she mumbled and pulled out of Jason’s arms. Where could Derek have gone? Did he see her dancing with Jason? She looked around the bar and when she couldn’t find him anywhere, she headed outside to call him.

Julie waited as the call went through, but Derek didn’t pick up. She tried calling again and after a few signals, the line was suddenly busy. He’d ignored her call. Julie felt a combination of annoyance and worry wash over her. Annoyance because he was obviously upset with her for dancing with his cousin while he danced with every other girl in the bar. Worry because of what he might do because of it.

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