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April 3rd, 1994

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April 3rd, 1994. 11:43 P.M.

The night wore on, Tim kept an arm draped over my shoulder, it cast a feeling of warmness. I couldn't tell if it was from all the alcohol  I've drank tonight, or maybe he really was warm. I've been waiting hours for Dally to return to my side, "What's that room." I asked Tim, who was drunkenly swaying back and forth next to me, "Huh?"

I threw his arm off me, as I stood up beer cans clashed against my ankles, I kicked them out of the way and moved to the hall. Peoples singing and swinging along to old classic rock songs echoed. 

I ambled down the low-lit hallway in the direction of that secretive back room. I had to stop half way and balance myself against the wall, in the room to the left of me was the sound of bed springs bouncing. I knew what was happening and went on my way. As I made it to the door, my arms trembled with unease when a fella stumbled out of the room, the simple door opening allowed thin smoke to disperse from all corners.

Before it could be closed again, I push my hand through and opened it wide. There is a guy in the corner getting a back tattoo and all sorts of things laid on the table and the room was heavy with the stench of pot. Dally was shirtless for some reason, he glimpsed up to me with eyes like burning orbs that couldn't relax. He wipes his runny nose, not even trying to hide the white lines laid out in front of him, "Bianca, go back in the living room." He ordered. I shrugged, not listening to a word he said, "I'm not a baby, Dallas." I shut the door and sat on the sofa next to him. "I want to play like everyone else."

"Fine. You're still a kid too me." He mumbled, dismissively grabbing the joint someone passed in his direction. I eyed it, knowing that this would be my first time and that everyone would be watched to see if I fail. He takes a hit, then gives it to me, "Here. Inhale it." He says, slightly amused at something.

I took it to my lips, breathing the smoke into my lungs and holding it for a steady release, then passed it along. He looked at me like he had just lost a child. That fear on his face vanished as I launched forward into a dry heave coughing fit. He slapped my back hard as everyone laughed, before pulling me up and out of the room.

I ran outside for the desperate need of fresh air. He looked very unimpressed, "See. That's what it's like." I glared up at him with watery under eyes, not being able to get any response out, I pointed over to the lawn. We sat on the grass, I felt sick and had to lay down. Dally pulled out his phone and rang someone to pick us up.

He dropped next to me, we starred up at the night sky. I tried to focus on the stars, as my mind grew dizzier on. Something came over him as he laid next to me, when he cast over me. I glance up at him, barely able to see his eyes from the darkness of the street.

His head bowed down, marking my lips in his target and then it happened. He brushes his lips along mine, very softly, my own best friend was out of his mind and maybe I was too. I felt a rush of helplessness. Gradually his arms pulled me from the ground and closer into the warmth of his chest, I cling to him like he's the only solid thing helping me stop swaying from dizziness. The only sound came from the grass bristling against our movements.

I held the back of his head, letting my fingers shape in his darken hair. The taste of his mouth was pure nerves and sweet liquor. Only the noise from tires coming down that street and the headlights shining a dizzy glimpse of his face pulled us away. It was his room mate's car that stopped outside the house to pick us up. 

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