a demons 😈

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(DeShaun pov )

Marshall looks as if has just seen a demon. As Kim walks up to us.
"Marshall were the fuck have you been." Kim asks grabbing Marshall arm.
" where is your hoody this isn't even yours. how did you sleep whit . How the fuck you cheating on me whit. " she yell pulling on he's arm.
"Kim I  I didn't cheat on you I " Marshall Stutters.
" Kim leave him a lone you brock up with him. So why the fuck do you care? " I say pulling her hands of Marshall's arm.
" why the fuck are you whit him? This hasn't got anything to do white you. Just get the fuck a way from us" she yells. Grabbing Marshall's arm again.
" he's my friend. And I let him stay at my place because you kicked him out kim. " I say my temper flaring.
" and. What that got to do white you. " she yell pulling Marshall towards her.
"You kicked him out kim." I yell .
Marshall look as if he's going to cry. He tries to pull he's arm out of Kim's grip.
" Kim please " Marshall cries .
People look at us. I look over to see a man staring at us like we are aliens. I turn back to  kim when she strikes Marshall in the face.
He stumbles clutching he's face.
" DON'T LIYE TO ME "  she yells.
I grab Marshall and pull him in to my chest before she can hit him again.
" Leave us a lone " I say my voice filled with anger.
"Why so you can fuck him. Word of advice he don't do it awake."
She spits.
"Just leave him alone." I say trying hard not to knock her teeth out.
" Fine .... Your all Was be alone Marshall. Go fucking kill yourself"
"Get the fuck out of her I'm before I make you" I say really to knock her out.
She turns and walks away.
I hold Marshall close to my chest.
"It ok. " I say
He pulls a way from me.
Grabbing my hands.
"I I I'm can I " Marshall Stumbles.
"Let go back to my place. yeah" he nods.
We walk quickly back to my place side by side. I unlock the door and guide Marshall to the couch.
I sit next to him.
" you all right " I ask realizing haw stupid that question was.
He nod.
And then looks a way from me.
I gently cup he's chin and turn he's face to look at me.
He blood shot eyes are filled with tears.
"Why don't I order us something to eat?"
He don't do anything. Just sits there.
" are you hunger? " I ask.
"You got any weed" he asks.
"Yeah. Yeah I got some." I say getting of the couch and going in to the cubed that I keep my drugs in.
I find my weed and tack it back to the couch.
I start rolling one when Marshall says " do you think she's right? .... Do you think I'll be alone forever? "
"Offices not you got me. You got the guys we got your back" I smile at him reaching for the lighter.
I light the blunt and tack a hit. And then hand it to Marshall he takes a long hit. I watch as he lets the smoke out of he's lungs.
It slips out of he's lips. He tilts he's head back and close he's eyes.
He's so fucking hot.
He opens he's eyes looking at me.
"I needed that" he hands me back the blunt.
"I can tell " I laugh.
"So you really mean that shit ..... You know about liking me?"
" every word" I say handing him the blunt.
"Why? I always thought I was a pain in your ass" he said tacking another hit.
"If you was a pain in my ass.trust me I'd of left you behind years ago." I laugh he laughs as well. It really nice to see him laughing.
I don't know if he actually found it funny or if it was the weed.
I start rolling another blunt.
" I like you to doody I I just I don't know how to do this shit. I don't. Does this mean I " Marshall rebels. He tacks another hit.
"..... Does this mean I l-like what..... " he look a way from me again.
I was about to light the blunt but I stop he would shocking me back to reality.
"No no Marshall what happened to you....." I didn't know what to say. What do you say?
" what happened to you. Has nothing to do white your love for another man. What happened to you should nether happened to anyone. You was young you didn't know what was happening " I say. trying hard to workout what to say.
"I was 9 i should of know what was happening........  ALL I DID WAYS LAY THEIR." He yells standing up and kicking the little table in front of the couch.
He falls to he's knees crying in to he's hand.
I drop the blunt and scope him in to my arms he crying so hard.
"I got you" I say pulling him close to me.
I don't know what to do. So I just hold him close to me.
He grabs my hoody whit death grip.
"Not leave me " he says thro sobs.
"I'm not going to. I'm right by your sid" I say kissing the top of he's head.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I will try and update again soon.
Please comment and like)

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