
188 10 16

( DeShaun pov)  

Heavy rain hits the windows. 
wind whistle thro the gaps in the walls.
As darkness slowly cothers the Detroit sky. 

Panic and anxiety still fills swifts small hospital room. 
As Marshall remains missing. 
No one knows where he is. 
It's like he vanished with out a trace. 

The doctor are mack us leave. 
Even know they still don't know where he is. 
I pull my rucksack over my shoulder. 
And say my goodbye to swifts. 
We where ment to just leave not know where Marshall is. Not knowing If he's alive or if he's dead. 
A security guard walks behind us. 
To make shore we leave.
We say are goodbyes and head home.

I drive home in a daze haw was I signpost to just go home like every thin is OK. When Marshall has been missing for about 7 hour. 
I pull up to my house and find my door keys. 
I lock the car. I turn to walk up to the house but something is by my front door. 
I walk closer slowly. 
What the fuck is that. 
I look at it but keep my distance. 
The rain runs down my back reminding me to hurry up and get in before I catch a chill. 
I get closer to the thing only to realise it is. 
" Marshall" I breth. 
He's soaked and shaking he doesn't move. 
Blood mixed white water runs down the sid of he's face.
He only wearing the hospital gawd. 
I scope him in to my arms. 
" Marshall o my God"
I say wipe he's face trying to stop some of the blood.
I unlock the front door and pick Marshall up. 
He's so cold and so wet. I lay him on the sofa. 
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSTO DO" I yell I run up stairs and grab all the blanket I can find. 
I run back in to the living room. And cothers him whit blanket. 
I grab the phone and nell next to Marshall I wipe he's wet face.
 I use a towel to wipe the blood.
" it ok Marshall every thing will be ok. 
He's shaking but has he's eyes open. 
He can berly breath. 
He looks at me as I phone 911. 
Haw did he get here? 
" try and take deep breaths ok." I say wiping he's forehead whit the towel.
" D" he whisper. He sounds so scared.
" it ok Marshall I'm right here. dont be afraid I got you everything is going to be all right. " I say before kissing He's forehead.
He's lips are a blue cooler he's face is a gray cooler
" I love you. You known that right. I love you so much. Your going to be ok. "
" 911 operator haw can I help.

( Hi everybody sorry I haven't been update.
Things at home are a little crazy right naw.
But it will all sort it's self out. 😁)

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