ill be back to hold your hand. 👏

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( DeShaun pov)  

I sit by Marshall's bed holding he's little pail hand. 
The guys had gone back to see swifts and phone all of are work places. 
To give me sometime alone white Marshall. 

The doctor had said that they need to run some more test to make sure he's brain has stopped bleeding. 
That's what has coerced him to have brain damage. 

He keeps drowning on himself it's kind of gross but it's not he's fault. 
I've been sitting white him for about three hours. 
And he's started looking at me when I'm talking to him. 
He hasn't said anything yet.  But it seems he starting to understand what I'm saying.
He stars shaking and he's teeth start chatting.  
" you could?" I ask.
He look at me and nods. 
Shit he understands what I'm saying. 
I kiss he's cheek and stand up. 
" I'm going to go see if I can find some one how can get you a thicker blanket. " I say kissing him on the cheek. 
I open the door and look down the hall. 
A nurse comes walking up the otherwise silent hallway. 
"excuse me um can we get a thicker blanket please" I ask the nurse. 
" a thicker blanket?" she asks as if it was funny. 
" yeah a thicker blanket.... He keeps shaking. And isn't he supposed to have some sort of tests to mack shore he's brain has stopped bleeding?" I say died sireus. 
" we don't have thicker blanket if you want one your have to by one from are gift shop. And he's doctor is very busy. " she said and then walked of down the hall. 
I walk back in to Marshall's room. 
" I'm going to go and by you a blanket  I'll be back in a little while. OK" I say gently placing my hand on he cheek. 
" I'll be back soon." I kiss he's cheek.  
I mack my way to the gift shop.
I find the thickest blanket I can find and buy two of them and then make my way back to Marshall room.
It about four in the morning by the time I finely get back to Marshall's room.
I close the the door and turn to Marshall.
He holds he's hand out for me to take.
I walk closer to he's bed and take he's hand in to mine.
" I told you I'd be back to hold your hand" I smile at him after kissing he's forehead.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry it is short.
My grandparents are over for the week so chapter update are going to be a little slow. 😬
Anyway thanks for reading.
Don't forget to read my over storys.
And I might have a new story with Twenty1eminem coming soon so go follow her. 😊)

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