unknown: Hi
me: why r u writing to me?
unknown: what
me: do you understand english or i should say in idiots-language
unknown: ugh...
unknown: idk what i should say now
me: tell me why you are writing to me, geez
unknown: idk i'm boring
me: how nice
me: know you what
me: fuck you
unknown: you are so aggressive
me: yeah, maybe
me: and?
unknown: anyway
me: well
unknown: i thought you are another
unknown: but not, u re like they say
me: i don't care
save as asshole.
asshole: u re rude
me: yeah, but happy
me: fuck you and whatever
asshole: geez, debbie, you are so aggressive
me: like i said: f u c k u
I don't like u, darling
FanfictionSave as asshole. asshole: u re rude me: yeah, but happy me: fuck your mind